This Flagship Technical Support Project is targeted at Member States wishing to streamline and accelerate their permitting processes for renewable energy. Faster permitting is crucial to reach the EU targets for renewable energy increase by 2030 and for climate neutrality by 2050, and to ensure a stable investment framework that fosters competitiveness and delivers abundant and affordable low-carbon energy to EU industry and households. It also plays a key role in increasing energy security by reducing dependence on Russian fossil fuels imports in particular.
Fact 1: In some Member States, the entire permit-granting process for large renewable energy projects can take up to 9 years.
Fact 2: Significant challenges remain in the implementation of the provisions of the EU Renewable Energy Directive. For example, it requires that the entire permit-granting process for power plants should normally not exceed two years.
Fact 3: Permitting delays have a serious impact on investors and result in the installation of outdated technologies, with negative impacts on competitiveness and energy security.
Fact 4: To meet its climate targets, the EU’s photovoltaic and wind capacities need to double by 2025 and triple by 2030.
- 2030 energy target of at least 40% of renewable energy achieved
- Emissions of greenhouse gases substantially reduced, thus contributing to the achievement of the EU’s climate targets (reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 and climate neutrality by 2050)
- Energy security increased
- Dependence from Russian fossil fuels reduced
- Competitiveness of EU renewable energy industries ensured
- Abundant and affordable low-carbon energy delivered to EU industry and households
- Establishing clearer, faster, and more transparent processes for application and granting of permits for renewable energy projects, in line with applicable EU legislation and upcoming EU initiatives
- Facilitating the sharing of best practices among Member States
- Supporting national, regional and local authorities in improving processes to identify areas suitable for renewable energy deployment and in translating more efficiently national goals into local plans and projects
- Increasing public involvement and acceptance of renewable energy projects

This flagship project identifies three work packages, each with their own set of deliverables that will be tailored to each Member State. Member States can request support for one or more work packages.
Streamlining administrative procedures for renewable energy permitting
- Improving the administrative framework for permitting and providing capacity building
- Setting-up or improving digital one-stop-shops for project developers and developing single application processes
- Identifying and sharing best practices among Member States
Facilitating spatial planning for renewable energy deployment
- Producing renewable energy zoning maps
- Setting up participatory processes for spatial planning
- Supporting grid infrastructure planning to integrate renewable energy generation
Increasing public engagement and acceptance
- Developing the framework for communities to take part into the ownership and benefits of renewable energy development
- Ensuring participation of low-income and vulnerable households in renewable energy communities
- Building capacity of local authorities
Under the green transition pillar, the Recovery and Resilience Plans (RRPs) include 433 reforms, 12% of which are in the policy area of renewable energy and networks. The RRP reforms dedicated to renewable energy address, in particular, key elements of the policy framework supporting renewable energy such as the adoption of new or prolongation of existing support schemes or the simplification of administrative procedures such as permitting or spatial planning to facilitate deployment.