The Technical Support Instrument is the European Commission’s key tool for supporting Member States in designing and implementing growth-enhancing and inclusive reforms. From healthcare, to sound public finances, from the digitalisation of education and public services, to strengthening the business environment and the financial sector, the Technical Support Instrument supports EU Member States with their reform agenda.

We provide support to reforms in a wide range of policy areas, such as climate action, digital transition and health.

Strong institutions and high quality public administrations in Member States are crucial for delivering on EU objectives.

We have implemented over 1500 reform support projects in all 27 Member States.
In the spotlight
On a regular basis, the European Commission chooses a project to be its ‘project in the spotlight’. The featured projects, from different policy areas and in different countries, are selected on the basis of effective implementation, promising results on the ground as well as a potential to be replicated across the EU. In this way, the Commission seeks to encourage best practices.
This time, we are presenting a project that supported the establishment a comprehensive Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) across Croatia, enhancing the efficiency and availability of emergency medical care, particularly in remote and isolated areas.