The Technical Support Instrument (TSI) is the EU programme that provides tailor-made technical expertise to EU Member States to design and to implement reforms at the national level, with an emphasis on the green and digital transitions. The TSI also supports the preparation and implementation of Recovery and Resilience Plans.
Initiated in 2021, the TSI is the successor of the Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP). Since 2017, both programmes have helped design, develop and implement over 1800 reform projects in 27 Member States.
Reform projects approved under the Technical Support Instrument
The Technical Support Instrument yearly cycle is launched during the dedicated TSI Annual Conference. In April 2024, High-Level representatives from the European Commission, Member States and other Institutions gathered to share their perspectives on how the TSI 2025 could support Member States for the successful design and implementation of resilience-enhancing reforms, and in particular Public Administrations to be fit for the future and adaptable to change.
The conference also started the discussion with Member States on potential multi-country projects - geared at addressing common issues among Member States thereby emphasizing the EU added-value of the instrument - and presented a set of "Flagship" projects - supporting reforms which are largely needed across Member States and are in line with the EU priorities.
For 2024, the Commission approved the following 11 reform support project for Malta:
- Financial Literacy in Malta
- Reform and capacity building in permissions and compliance at the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) II
- Reshaping the Public Administration Workforce
- Shaping Malta's Future through a National Skills Strategy and Targeted Maritime Sector Skills Gap Analysis and Action Recommendations
Multi-country projects:
- Building capacity in Malta to fight aggressive tax planning
- Enhancing access to justice through the application of a PCJ approach
- Enhancing the national strategies and frameworks to support victims of crimes in Estonia, Portugal and Malta
- PACE - Deinstitutionalisation (De-I) in Malta Through the Implementation of Personal Budgets
- Promoting the mental health of youth by addressing the risks of online gambling and gaming
- Enhance tax administration reforms through Tax Administration Diagnostic Assessment Tool (TADAT) in Malta
- Implementation of the HTA Legislation in Malta
For 2023, the Commission approved the following 11 reform support project for Malta:
- Implementing the Business Re-Organisation Action Plan of the Office of the Attorney General and the Office of the State Advocate in Malta
- Strengthening tax compliance through implementation of real-time reporting in Malta
- Assistance to draw a Sustainable Aquaculture Strategy for Malta
- Climate adaptation
- Enhancing the quality and use of tax information exchanged between Member States in the context of the Directive on Administrative Cooperation (DAC)
- First Step: Online Pre-departure Integration Measures
Multi-country projects:
- PACE - Strengthening the Public Procurement System of the Ministry for Finance and Employment in Malta
- PACE - Public Administration Cooperation Exchange for Digital Transformation of Spatial Data in Malta
- Mapping competencies of national authorities in the area of implementation of EU restrictive measures. Best practices and legislative recommendations.
- Strengthening the capacity of Independent Fiscal Institutions (IFIs)
- Proof of concept of AI models in market abuse monitoring
In 2022, the Commission approved 12 reform projects for Malta:
- Strengthening a competent Allied Health Workforce
- Administrative Bank Insolvency Regime
- Design and implementation of a national strategy to combat trafficking in human beings
- Recharge and Refuel - Clean, smart and fair urban mobility
- Support to the Renovation Wave
- Regional and local authorities – Enhancing cooperation & Quality of public administration
- Support to Malta's tourism ecosystem in Malta: towards a more sustainable, resilient and digital tourism
Multi-country projects:
- Regional and local authorities – Enhancing cooperation & Quality of public administration
- Chainalysis as a tool to reduce the risk of circumvention of sanctions, that are imposed to Russia, using virtual assets
- Sustainable Finance - Supervisory Capacity Building
- EU Supervisory Digital Finance Academy - MFSA
- REFORM - Green Budgeting Framework Training Programme
More information can be found in the 2022 Country Factsheets.
In 2021, the Commission approved the following 8 reform projects for Malta:
- Improving the integrity and transparency framework in Malta
- Digitalisation of the Malta Maritime Administration (Phase 3)
- Development of financial instruments
- Coastal Protection Strategy
- Public Procurement Competency Framework
- Implementation of Malta's Sustainable Development Strategy & Action Plan
- Adaptation to the new EU customs data model
- General technical support for the implementation of Malta's Recovery and Resilience Plan
More information can be found in the 2021 Country Factsheets.
Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP) projects (2017-2020)
The TSI expands on the experience of the SRSP programme in building capacity in Member States. You can find the full list of SRSP projects here.
Highlighted projects

The European Commission supported this flagship technical support project targeted at EU Member States wishing to build a more sustainable, resilient and digital tourism ecosystem.

The European Commission support the Ministry of Transport in delivering sustainable transport.

The Commission provides technical support to the Offices of the Attorney General and State Advocate in the area of justice.