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Reform Support

Public Administration and Governance coordination

Public Administration and Governance coordination

SG REFORM coordinates, within the Commission, the broad and crosscutting topic of public administration and governance. It chairs the Inter-Service Group on Public Administration Quality and Innovation (IGPA), a Commission services' platform for sharing of knowledge and building synergies between different initiatives related to public administration. SG REFORM contributes to the assessment of public administration’ functioning and performance notably in the context of:

It develops the Commission’s knowledge on the way in which the public administrations in the EU Member States function, the challenges they face and what approaches can help improve their operations and hence trust.

Country reports

Country knowledge on the EU Member States’ public administrations’ characteristics and reform trajectories (EUPACK).

Thematic reports pag

Studies and briefs exploring various aspects of functioning and reforms in the EU Member States’ public administrations.

Quality admin toolbox

The toolbox aims to support, guide and encourage those who want to modernise public administrations in support of prosperous, fair and resilient societies.


Newsletters and events that shared with the wider Public Administration and Governance (PAG) community.


For more on public administration policy: SG-REFORM-A4atec [dot] europa [dot] eu (SG-REFORM-A4[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)