This Flagship Technical Support Projects aims to support Member States in the design and implementation of reforms to boost competitiveness, sustainability, resilience and employment. The European Union promotes the transition towards a cleaner, more digital and more resilient economic and industrial model to underpin smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
Fact 1: Industry is central to Europe’s future progress and prosperity. It makes up more than 20% of the EU’s economy and employs around 35 million people.
Fact 2: The Single Market offers stability and scale to European companies. The financial crisis, the pandemic, and the invasion of Ukraine have tested the Single Market and exposed vulnerabilities, dependencies and inequalities.
- More sustainable, digital, and innovation-oriented industrial policies
- A more competitive and strategically autonomous EU industry
- Improved innovation and business environment, especially for SMEs and start-ups
- Workforce with green and digital skills
- Implementation of reforms and investments under the national Recovery and Resilience Plans (RRPs)
The flagship project will support the green and digital transitions of national industries. Member States will have the opportunity to learn and benefit from experience of others.
The flagship project will contribute to:
- Strengthening the administrative capacity of Member States to support industrial transformation, by preparing horizontal or sectoral industrial strategies
- Strengthening national market surveillance systems to protect consumers and workers against unsafe products and general non-compliance, thus creating a safer and sounder business environment
- Promoting intellectual property (IP) rights to stimulate innovation and protect investment with a view to improve the competitiveness of European enterprises, especially SMEs
- Reskilling and upskilling the workforce to enable a better understanding of the existing gaps, especially as regards green and digital skills and designing actions to address them

This flagship project identifies four work packages, each with their own set of deliverables that will be tailored to each Member State. Member States can request support for one or more work packages.
Strengthening industrial ecosystems
- Develop, implement and assess national, regional, and sectorial industrial strategies
- Prepare action plans and tools to address strategic dependencies and specific ecosystem challenges
- Develop recommendations and action plans to target key challenges specific to certain ecosystems, such as the Mobility, Energy-Renewables and Proximity & Social Economy industrial ecosystems, by providing recommendations to speed up their green and digital transitions
Enhancing national market surveillance systems
- Review and benchmarking of the existing legal, institutional and operational frameworks
- Consolidate national market surveillance authorities in a single national, or in federal countries regional, product safety and surveillance agency
- Simplify and rationalise controls and inspections, through a data-driven and risk-based approach
Protecting and promoting intellectual property
- Simplify the regulatory framework for the registration of IP rights
- Review of the relevant governance mechanisms
- Develop mechanisms to fight infringements (exchange of good practices, capacity building, IT tools)
Upskilling and reskilling for the green and digital transitions
- Map the training and education needs of workers and entrepreneurs, with a focus on digital and green skills
- Identify barriers hindering the development of such skills
- Provide recommendations to strengthen the governance, legislation, funding and tools for the further development of green and/or digital skills and competences of the workforce
- Communication and dissemination activities
According to the Regulation establishing the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), at least 37% of funding is dedicated to green investments and at least 20% to digitalisation. This flagship project contributes to the acceleration of the green and digital transitions:
- The elaboration of industrial strategies fosters sustainable growth through the decarbonisation of industry, while facilitating its digital transformation through the deployment of advanced technologies
- The strengthening of the national surveillance systems and the promotion of IP rights foster smart, sustainable and inclusive growth
- Upskilling and reskilling of the workforce promotes social and territorial cohesion, and facilitates the digital transition, with the development of the digital and/or green skills of workers and entrepreneurs