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Reform Support
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Supporting reforms to foster an attractive business environment and increase competitiveness

Funding Programme
  • 2021

Reform of the business support provided by the state agencies

The subject matter of the contract was a comparative review and process audit of the three main Czech state agencies in the area of trade and investment and the elaboration of recommendations for structural reform, improvements and digitalisation of their internal processes. These reviews and recommendations could lead to a reform of the overall constellation and specific mandates of the three agencies and improvements of internal and external processes, including increased digitalisation.


The state agencies CzechInvest, CzechTrade and CzechTourism were established in the 1990s to support the development of Czech companies. As the Czech economy transformed over the years and in the context of the fast-developing global market, the need of reforming the present set-up became more obvious. Therefore, the three agencies needed a detailed analysis of their current state and tailored recommendations for the reform of their operations. Modernisation of the internal/external processes and tools used by the agencies and the development of the staff competencies reflecting the new/reviewed agenda were also needed.

The project delivered the following

  • A comparative analysis of the agencies
  • A process audit of the agencies
  • A report on the model(s) for structural reform
  • An implementation plan for the structural reform
  • Recommendations for the improvement of processes in the agencies
  • An implementation plan for the improvement of processes in the agencies

The provider through which the aforementioned support measures were delivered was EY with the EU contribution set at a maximum of 200,000 euros.

More about the project

You can read the final report here: