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Reform Support
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Supporting reforms to transition to a green economy and fight climate change

Funding Programme
  • 2022

Supporting the renovation wave in Wallonia with a one-stop-shop for households

The Commission helped the Walloon authorities with the preparation of one-stop-shop to help households with the renovation of buildings, thus supporting the transition of Wallonia towards climate neutrality.


As part of its transition to carbon neutrality, Wallonia aims to renovate 100% of its residential buildings by 2050 to make them more energy efficient. However, households face difficulties linked to the complexity of the renovation process and the lack of understanding of its benefits, as well as the number of support mechanisms and their fragmentation, which makes it difficult to assess the financial viability of a renovation.

One-stop-shops are a well-recognised tool to simplify the renovation process and reduce the administrative burden on homeowners, therefore helping to increase the uptake of energy renovation projects, which is essential to achieve the EU's climate objectives.

Support delivered

The support delivered recommendations for setting up of a one-stop-shop for the renovation of buildings in the private residential sector in Wallonia.

Results achieved

The Walloon authorities are now taking the next steps to prepare for the operationalisation of the one-stop-shop.

Useful links

14/09/2023 : [Rénovation] Recommandations pour la conception et la mise en œuvre d'un service intégré d'accompagnement à la rénovation énergétique en Wallonie. - Site énergie du Service public de Wallonie

More about the project

You can read the final report here: