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Reform Support
Building an inclusive integration approach in Finland banner

Supporting reforms to achieve fairer, more efficient, and more sustainable migration, asylum and border management processes

Funding Programme
  • 2022

Building an inclusive integration approach in Finland

The European Commission is supporting Finland’s national and local stakeholders in enhancing the receptiveness and inclusive integration of Third Country Nationals.  


Since 2012, the Finnish national authorities have been working for the promotion of good relations, non-discrimination and receptiveness of society at the national and local levels. Despite the progressive legislation, solid evidence of shortcomings, and awareness around the problem, the challenges seem to increase as the migrant population continues growing in Finland. 

In order to enhance the integration of migrants and thus fully realize the benefits of diversity, there is a need to systematically work towards the adoption of a holistic approach, based on the principles of intercultural integration and good relations. 

Support delivered

 The Commission, in collaboration with the Council of Europe, is supporting the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the Ministry of the Interior and organisations from the Advisory Boards for Ethnic Relations in:  

  • Assessing existing policies for integration at national and local level, mapping relevant actors and drafting recommendations for improvement;  
  • Developing a multi-level multi-stakeholder groups at the level of municipalities; 
  • Enhancing national and local intercultural strategies; 
  • Delivering capacity building activities and producing material related to the good relations and intercultural concepts.  

Results achieved

The expected results of this project are to improve the community relations in Finland in a range of areas including, but not limited to, migrants' participation, education, cultural and social life, urban planning, business, labour market, anti-discrimination and multilingualism. 

Its expected impact is a stronger socio-economic participation and better integration outcomes of migrants in Finland. 

More about the project

More information about the project on the website of the Council of Europe (CoE)

and here: Komissaari Ferreira tutustui hyvien väestösuhteiden edistämiseen Suomessa (