Multi-criterial points-based system of preferential migration in the framework of foreign employment policy - European Commission Skip to main content
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Reform Support
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Supporting reforms to achieve fairer, more efficient, and more sustainable migration, asylum and border management processes

Funding Programme
  • 2020

Multi-criterial points-based system of preferential migration in the framework of foreign employment policy

The project provided comprehensive support to the Czech Republic in light of high labour shortages across employers, sectors and regions, by developing a points-based system (PBS) for labour migration, based on different criteria. Such a system facilitates the selection and prioritization of candidates for labour migration, addressing urgent gaps of the Czech labour market, while identifying migrants who offer long-term potential for the development of the country.


Prior to the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic, the Czech labour market was among the tightest in the EU, with labour shortages across employers and across the skills spectrum. The share of unfilled vacancies was among the highest in Europe. In the post-COVID recovery phase, most signs point to a return to a tight labour market and shortages are forecast to increase. In addition to increasing labour force participation, non-EU workers are expected to play a role in meeting skills needs in the future.

To better manage future inflows, to ensure that migration is meeting not just immediate shortages but also contributing positively to strengthen the long-term development of the Czech Republic, the Czech government has prioritised a reform of the labour migration management system.

Support delivered

Support measures included:

  • An assessment of the Czech migration management system, including through quantitative analysis of labour market and migration data, the review of legislation, regulations and procedures, and consultation of stakeholders;
  • Recommendations based on a review of international good practice;
  • A methodology for assessing labour needs which can be filled through migration, which will include different selection criteria and a selection grid (“PBS”);
  • Assisting the authorities with the preparation of the PBS IT system and related tools;
  • Assisting the authorities with communicating on the new system with public and private stakeholders

Expected results

By proposing a reform of the existing labour migration framework, which includes a points-based multi-criterial selection system to be implemented in the immediate future, the Czech Republic will have the opportunity to become more responsive to shortages in key labour sectors of its economy and, ultimately, to position itself as an attractive destination for skilled migration.

Useful links

OECD Web Archive

A Multi-criteria Points-Based System for Managing Labour Migration to the Czech Republic - OECD

More about the project

You can read the documents related to the project here: