Strengthening the implementation of the Common Portfolio of Employment Services in Spain - European Commission
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Supporting reforms to strengthen labour markets social protection systems, and migration management

Funding Programme
  • 2021

Strengthening the implementation of the Common Portfolio of Employment Services in Spain

In a decentralized country such as Spain, the existence of a Common Portfolio of Employment Services (CCS) is essential to guarantee quality and equal conditions in the attention to users of Public Employment Services (PES). The Spanish State Public Employment Service (SEPE) is the national entity responsible for coordinating the implementation of the CCS across the Spanish territory.

The Commission helped to strengthen the implementation of the CCS across regional PES in Spain. To this end, a series of analyses were carried out, with the final objective of developing clear actions to enable this improvement. In addition, a specific work stream focused on the improvement of services for employers more specifically, in the framework of a small-scale pilot project in four regions.


This project is in line with EU priorities in the field of employment and social policy. In particular, it is thematically connected to the Action Plan to support the implementation European Pillar of Social Rights and the European Skills Agenda; as well as the work carried out by the European Alliance for Apprenticeships and the European EURES Network, among others. Synergies can also be found with a number of instruments promoted by the EU PES Network, its benchlearning and its methodology, to improve the performance of PES, and support upskilling and reskilling initiatives.

During the implementation of the project, several challenges have been addressed, such as the reform of the regulatory framework in Spain (as symbolised by the adoption of the new Employment Act), the management of the European Recovery and Resilience funds or the optimization of the use of the European Classification of Skills, Competences and Occupations (ESCO) within the National Employment System in Spain, by both the public and the corporate sector.

Support delivered

In the implementation of the project, there have been multiple in-depth analyses.

  • Firstly, a study of the external and internal context (relevant for the implementation of the CCS) was performed. This was achieved through a cost analysis of the services enshrined in the new legal framework; a quantitative assessment, carried out through a questionnaire; and a qualitative analysis, through open questions and working sessions with representatives of each regional PES, and other national agents. Subsequently, multiple interviews and workshops were scheduled with them and with SEPE.
  • As a result, a SWOT analysis (i.e. an assessment of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) was performed, to determine the degree of implementation of the CCS across the National Employment System, anticipate risks, and outline concrete avenues for improvement. Interviews were furthermore held with 4 local employment offices, to reflect the local perspective.
  • Finally, an Integrated Plan and Roadmap were drawn up – both of which are expected to guide the National Employment System in strengthening the implementation of the CCS.
  • In parallel, four pilot actions were carried out to strengthen services to employers in different autonomous regions (Extremadura, Andalusia, Canary Islands and Murcia). This pilot served to explore the applications of the ESCO classification in the regional context – particularly, as a tool to provide more targeted services to employers, and improve job matching.

Results achieved

The ultimate purpose of the project is to strengthen the CCS and, consequently, the services provided to citizens and employers by the National Employment System in Spain.

Following the reform of the regulatory framework in Spain, certain services considered essential were safeguarded (i.e. identified as statutory services, to be provided in a uniform manner across the country). The aim of this project was to translate these services into tangible proposals and results, through the Integrated Plan and its Roadmap. Some examples of the proposals included in the new Integrated Plan include a proposal to improve the existing information systems of regional PES, a proposal to boost current dissemination and communication efforts, a proposal to develop more client-oriented IT tools and services, and the regulatory development of the so-called protocols linked to the updated CCS.

These specific actions are planned for the next two years, with allocated resources and will be coordinated by the State Public Employment Service.

More about the project

You can read the final report here: