- Funding Programme
- Year
- 2021
Development of the coordination mechanism to support e-governance policy coherence
The European Commission supported a project aimed to increase the maturity of the Croatian government’s digital government policy, resulting in better services for citizens and businesses. The objective is to enablethe Central State Office for Digital Society Development (CSODSD) to establish functional and efficient management and coordination model for e-governance, as well to establish interoperable framework for improved digital public services. The project was implemented with the support of the OECD.
The project addresses lack of effective coordination and of cooperation between public bodies in Croatia and between the government and its citizens, in the implementation of e-governance policy as well as weak interoperability framework.
This situation negatively impacts the quality of e-services provided to citizens and businesses. This project supports implementation of Croatia’s Recovery and Resilience plan, Sub-component on Digital transition of society and public administration and contributes to the goals of the Digital Croatia Strategy 2032 as well as EU policy on the Digital Decade.
Support delivered
The project supported the CSODSD with the establishment of the coordination mechanism for digital government: the high-level National Council for Digital Transformation and operational level inter-ministerial working group. Draft Digital Governance Guidelines delivered under the project will support process of identification, prioritisation and selection of digital projects, inter-institutional co-ordination, monitoring and evaluation. Developed draft Action Plan to improve co-ordination of public digitalisation projects has defined main activities that needs to be undertaken by Croatian authorities to secure sound coordination mechanism is in place.
The project has contributed to the development of a Draft Action Plan for improved interoperability of digital public services and draft national e-Government Interoperability Framework (e-GIF), including a set of e-GIF basic components, accompanied by a suitable governance model and tools. This was complemented with a proposal for a marketplace of pre-approved and certified IT solutions to streamline the procurement of IT solutions while securing adherence to central interoperability standards.
Results achieved
The project contributed to build a more active community of practice on digital government and interoperability within the public sector, and to further stress the key role CSODSD as the main coordinator of expected policy interventions. This process built the ground for the effective implementation of the policy recommendations and interoperability tools that resulted from the Project’s implementation. These recommmendations would aim to improve the management of digital projects in the Croatian public sector, to make the public sector more efficient and deliver streamlined, data-and user-driven services and policies to citizens and businesses.
Project results directly feed into two key reform measures under the Croatian Recovery and Resilience Plan. The first aims at establishing functional and efficient coordination model that would ensure coherence in preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of different digitalization initiatives in Croatia. The second one addresses the interoperability challenges hampering development and provision of more complex and complete online services for citizens and businesses.
More about the project
You can read the final report here: