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Reform Support

Supporting reforms to reinforce efficient and high quality public administrations

Funding Programme
  • 2021

Strategy of the ICT development within the Ministry of the Interior (MOI) 

The objective of the project is to improve digital services in Czech Republic by supporting the preparation of a national strategy of ICT within the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic (MOI). In particular, the project aims at strengthening the role of MOI in the development of ICT services of public administration, streamlining ICT services and Digital Czechia, and coordinating the development and usage of common eGovernment components by other public authorities.


The Czech Republic is among the least advances Member States in terms of using digital public services. 

The Ministry of Interior of Czech Republic is the responsible body for the strategy, coordination, and development of the ICT systems in public administration. Despite some progress, many shortcomings are still present. The user experience of public ICT systems lags current technological possibilities, the approach to server infrastructure is outdated, and there is persistent vendor lock-in. A main challenge is the coordination: there is a lack of common standards regarding infrastructure, data protection, public procurement, and capacities. In addition, eGovernment offer and use is far below EU average, and is characterised by an opt-in system, unpredictable and insufficient financing, and insufficient advertisement to the public. Currently, there is no strategy setting priorities for further development in ICT services in public administration. 

The insufficient management and coordination prevent faster development of digital services and increases administrative costs of public service.

Support Delivered

The project delivers support in the preparation of the strategy for the development of the ICT and the basic eGovernment infrastructure, both within a short-term and long-term horizon, and strengthening of the role of the Ministry of Interior in coordination and implementation of eGovernment. This support was delivered in the form of a current situation analysis report, an As-is Business process model, a Business requirements catalogue and case, a To-be situational analysis and process model and a roadmap. The project was delivered over a period of 12 months by PwC EU Services EESV. 

Results achieved

All reports and models and the developed roadmap for the strategy setting priorities for the development of ICT services in public administration were delivered and accepted by the Ministry of Interior (MOI) of Czech Republic. When implemented, this strategy can support the MOI in development of ICT services, streamlining ICT services and Digital Czechia and coordinating eGovernment components by other public authorities. A successful implementation can significantly improve Czech Republic scoring in the EGovernment Benchmark of the European Commission (EC), DESI (Digital Economy and Society Index) of the EC, EGovernment Development Index of the United Nations (UN) and E-Participation Index of the UN. 

More about the project

You can read the documents related to the project here: