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Reform Support
© EU

Supporting reforms that contribute to efficient and high quality public administrations

Funding Programme
  • 2019

Strengthening regulatory impact assessment in Portugal

for the Technical Unit for Legislative Impact Assessment within Legal Centre of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (JurisAPP-UTAI)

The Commission supported Portugal's efforts to improve the way the legislation is prepared by strengthening its regulatory impact assessment system. Better assessing the impact of new laws should improve the business climate and boost investment.


A priority for Portugal was to overhaul its impact assessments. It did this by adopting the ‘How much does it cost?’ (Custa Quanto?) programme in March 2017.

The new model for these assessments requires a systematic measurement of how new laws will impact citizens and businesses. This is in line with the EU recommendations.

Support to be delivered

The support provided by the Commission and the OECD was delivered by a local team based in Lisbon and by international experts.

The support measures consisted of:

  • analysing current impact assessment processes and making recommendations;
  • assessing the current costs of complying with Portuguese regulations and making recommendations;
  • providing training on impact assessments; and
  • a statistical study on the costs for businesses of complying with Portuguese regulations.

Results achieved

Support from the Commission led to the following results:

  • The Council of Ministers adopted on 8 June 2018 a resolution to extend the mandate of JurisAPP-UTAIL. This resolution makes regulatory impact assessments compulsory, requires analysis to be stepped up, adds the requirement for subsequent evaluation and extends stakeholder engagement.