Czech recovery and resilience plan: building capacity for communication activities - European Commission Skip to main content
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Helping Member States to design reforms necessary for the preparation and implementation of their national RRPs

Funding Programme
  • 2022

Czech recovery and resilience plan: Building capacity for communication activities

The Commission helped at enhancing the capacity of the Czech authorities to communicate effectively about the benefits of the reforms and investments under the national recovery and resilience plan (RRP).


The EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) offers large-scale financial support for public investments and reforms that support the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, make Member States’ economies more resilient and foster the green and digital transitions.

Czech Republic started to implement the national RRP in 2021 following the formal adoption of the proposed reforms and investments.

Given its importance for the recovery of the Czech economy, it is necessary to implement timely numerous communication activities. This includes not only the required communication in the form of reports, but also communication with stakeholders, media, opinion makers and the general public.

The overall aim of the project is therefore to reinforce the perception of the positive impact of the RRM on the future of the Czech Republic

Support delivered

DG REFORM provides support for the enhanced communication actions about the reforms and investments under the national recovery and resilience plan (RRP) in Czech Republic. The support measures consist of:

  • Support with the updating of the overarching horizontal communication strategy in line with the result of qualitative and quantitative opinion poll and focus groups.
  • Creating new communication channels, production of materials and templates in a new design to be used in the communication of the RRP throughout its implementation, spanning across social, green and digital pillars of the RRP.
  • Pilot communication campaign and communication events.
  • Capacity building activities.

Results achieved

The updated communication narrative and concept implemented through a wide use of communication channels and material will enhance the capacity of the Czech authorities in communicating timely about the positive impact of the individual reforms and investments delivered and implemented under the national RRP.

Useful links

Národní plán obnovy (

Czech Republic RRP annual event video (

More about the project

You can read the final report here: