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Reform Support

Supporting reforms to ensure efficient and effective revenue administration and public financial management

Funding Programme
  • 2021

Support for Design of a Smart Risk Engine for the Customs in Finland

The Commission provides technical support to the Finnish Customs for design of a smart risk engine based on advanced data-analytics and AI technologies.


Data quality and data analytics have become a critical success factor of customs operations worldwide in the context of an exponential growth of the information and communication technologies and the information in digital format. The effective detection of risk of customs evasion and fraud requires an extended use of all data available internally and externally in real-time time. In this view implementation of new technologies and approaches for risk management based on AI is crucial.

Results achieved

The project aimed at enhancing the risk management capabilities of Finnish Customs through real-time data analytical and AI technologies.

More about the project

You can read the documents related to the project here: