Proposal for a new Skills Intelligence Strategy for Higher Education, including specific support with micro-credential design - European Commission Skip to main content
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Supporting reforms to improve the quality of education and training systems and ensure equal access to it

Funding Programme
  • 2023

Proposal for a new Skills Intelligence Strategy for Higher Education, including specific support with micro-credential design

In view of supporting Higher Education institutions with their ambitious transformation process, the Spanish Ministry of Universities requested technical support for the development of a draft Skills Intelligence Strategy for Higher Education, including targeted support for micro-credential design. This Strategy is expected to provide specific guidance towards the development of new Higher Education programmes (including micro-credentials), and the review of existing ones, based on observed labour market trends, good practice and skills needs.


The Spanish higher education sector has been tasked with attracting a higher number of students to lifelong learning. As an initial step, the Ministry of Universities issued a Decree in late 2021 , to grant greater flexibility and incentives to higher education establishments seeking to issue non-degree short courses and micro-credentials. As part of the implementation of the Component 21  of the Spanish Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP), a new Law for Universities  was adopted by the Spanish Congress of Deputies in March 2023, which is expected to further reinforce the role of universities in the provision of lifelong learning. In particular, the Law aims to improve access to continuing education and training for the population at large, including for those without prior education or qualifications.

Support delivered

  • In-depth assessment of existing initiatives, both in Spain and in other Member States and internationally, to design learner-centred micro-credentials relevant to adult workers and employers. 
  • In-depth assessment of existing skills intelligence solutions outside of Spain. 
  • Detailed review of existing tools and administrative datasets in Spain, and their potential for skills intelligence
  • Draft Skills Intelligence Strategy for Higher Education and Skills Intelligence Toolkit. In English and Spanish
  • Training sessions geared towards civil servants and HE representatives
  • Pilot implementation roadmap and support

Results achieved

The project is expected to result in the following outcomes:

  • The Spanish Ministry of Universities has a comprehensive understanding of the current state-of-affairs in Spain and internationally, as regards available skills intelligence solutions and their application, and can identify possible avenues for improvement;
  • The Spanish Ministry of Universities is provided with concrete recommendations and guidelines, in the form of a draft Skills Intelligence Strategy for Higher Education and a Skills Intelligence Toolkit, and is enabled to apply it in practice, through a series of capacity-building measures. 

Although subject to other contributing factors, these outcomes should over the longer-term contribute towards a greater use of skills intelligence solutions among Higher Education institutions in Spain, including for the sake of reviewing existing microcredential programmes, and introducing further education and training opportunities, based on observable labour market needs.