The Technical Support Instrument (TSI) is the EU programme that provides tailor-made technical expertise to EU Member States to design and to implement reforms at the national level, with an emphasis on the green and digital transitions. The TSI also supports the preparation and implementation of Recovery and Resilience Plans.
Initiated in 2021, the TSI is the successor of the Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP). Since 2017, both programmes have helped design, develop and implement over 1800 reform projects in 27 Member States.
Reform projects approved under the Technical Support Instrument
The Technical Support Instrument yearly cycle is launched during the dedicated TSI Annual Conference. In May 2023, High-Level representatives from the European Commission, Member States and other Institutions gathered to share their perspectives on how the TSI 2024 could support Member States for the successful design and implementation of resilience-enhancing reforms, and in particular Public Administrations to be fit for the future and adaptable to change.
The conference also started the discussion with Member States on potential multi-country projects - geared at addressing common issues among Member States thereby emphasizing the EU added-value of the instrument - and presented a set of "Flagship" projects - supporting reforms which are largely needed across Member States and are in line with the EU priorities.
For 2024, the Commission approved the following 11 reform support projects for Estonia:
- Implementation strategy for improving mental health practices in the primary health care in Estonia
- Setup of central Estonian national promotional bank or institution (NPBI) to leverage Estonian development ambitions with financial instruments.
- Strengthening skills forecasting and skills governance system in Estonia
Multi-country projects:
- PACE - Professionalisation of Estonian Public Administration
- Boosting the cooperation on the usage of distributional impact assessment through microsimulation
- Developing technological solutions and production possibilities for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in Estonia and Latvia
- Enhancing the Centre of Government’s capacities to steer complex priorities and manage crisis and megatrends through peer to peer review and learning
- Enhancing the national strategies and frameworks to support victims of crimes in Estonia, Portugal and Malta
- Rail Baltica: Development of functional & institutional framework for common cross-border infrastructure management system for the Rail Baltica railway line
- Rail Baltica: Development of unified cross-border Public Service Obligations (PSO) model for the Rail Baltica railway line
- Rail Baltica: Improving access to finance for the implementation of railway sector projects in order to facilitate integration of Baltic states in the European rail network
For 2023, the Commission approved the following 9 reform support projects for Estonia:
- Professionalisation of public procurement personal - fostering strategic methodologies, integrity and transparency
- Establishment of data governance, business intelligence and analytics offices at agencies to support the data economy and seamless data exchange
- Implementation of the Action Plan towards sustainable water services
Multi-country projects:
- PACE - Support administrative structures to implement the needed changes in different governance areas
- Technical support for National Handbook
- Integrating Spending Reviews and Policy Evaluations into the Medium Term Budget Framework in Estonia
- Proof of concept of AI models in market abuse monitoring
- Measuring Citizen’s Satisfaction with Key Government Services for Better Performance and Enhanced Trust
- Integrating strategic objectives and policy measures, risk assessments and plans into National Strategy on Resilience of Critical Entities (NSR project)
In 2022, the Commission approved 10 reform projects for Estonia:
- Redesigning the Estonian Tax Administration´s register of taxpayers
- Strengthening Regional Specialisation and Competitiveness
- Defining the structural reforms needed for smart assessment of the effectiveness of protection of Estonian biodiversity
- Support to the Renovation Wave
- Regional and local authorities – Primary care reform in Estonia
Multi-country projects:
- EU Supervisory Digital Finance Academy - FI
- Improving digital competences of the health workforce in Catalonia and Estonia
- Building capacity for evidence-informed policymaking in governance and public administration in a post-pandemic Europe
- Support to REPowerEU
- Digitalisation and automation of processes in national accounts and government finance statistics
More information can be found in the 2022 Country Factsheets.
In 2021, the Commission approved the following 8 reform projects for Estonia:
- Coherent policy development for high-quality and sustainable living environment
- Government evidence and data-driven decision-making framework and implementation in crisis management
- Supporting productivity and competitiveness of Estonian enterprises through real-time economy digital infrastructure development
- Strengthening of Estonian anti-money laundering framework
- Gas decarbonisation pathways for Estonia
- Development of a Sustainable Finance Roadmap for Estonia
- The use of artificial intelligence in taxation
- Health system performance assessment framework for Estonia
More information can be found in the 2021 Country Factsheets.
Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP) projects (2017-2020)
The TSI expands on the experience of the SRSP programme in building capacity in Member States. You can find the full list of SRSP projects here.
Highlighted projects
The Commission aims to help Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania develop a capital market easing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) financing solutions.
The Commission provided technical support to the Estonian Tax and Customs Board (ETCB) with the aim of exploring the feasibility of using human-centric AI and developing a strategic framework.
The European Commission supports the preparation of a roadmap for the consolidation of the water utility sector in Estonia, a requisite for a sustainable and socially acceptable financing strategy.