Citizens and businesses expect to be served through seamless digital services wherever they live, travel or work in the EU. To ensure their delivery, all levels of government should be able to share the necessary data while respecting citizen rights, data privacy and protection. In addition, they need to ensure that no barriers, cultural, legal, organisational or semantic/technical, hamper the provision of interoperable services across cities, regions and national borders. Communities, Cities and Regions are teaming up to join efforts in their digital transformation the European way through the movement while national governments and the EU are working on a future EU public service interoperability policy. The workshop aims at opening a discussion on how best to ensure a multilevel interoperability governance in this context. Local data platforms and Digital Twins will be used as an example to illustrate such interoperability needs.
- Serge Novaretti, DG CNECT, European Commission
- Roman Diez Gonzalez, DG REFORM, European Commission
- Andrea Halmos, DG CNECT, European Commission
- Isa Katharina Von Kalben, DG DIGIT, European Commission
- Maximilian Strotmann, DG DIGIT, European Commission
- Ana MARQUES, Portugal
- Francisco RIDRUEJO, RECI and Logroño city
- Patrick RUESTCHMANN, DINUM, France
- Mika RANTAKOKKO, Oulu city, Finland
- Jonas ONLAND, VNG, Dutch association of municipalities, Netherlands