- Publication date
- 19 February 2024
- Author
- Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support
- Related department
- Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support
- Country
- Spain
- Funding Programme
- Year
- 2021
- Final deliverable
The Commission is providing support to four Spanish regional authorities, namely Andalusia, Navarre, Extremadura, and Madrid, in order to design a scalable and replicable reference framework for supporting the entrepreneurship ecosystem at the regional level. In this context, the project supports the implementation of component 13 of the RRP linked to the provision of support to SMEs. Specifically, the reference framework aims to define the development of each Autonomous Community’s entrepreneurial ecosystem directly supporting the implementation of the national Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP). The project draws from the experience of other six European regions, such as Flanders, the region of Helsinki and Southern Ireland. The project is also providing targeted trainings to build the capacity of the regional Spanish authorities to carry out effective support to SMEs throughout the RRP implementation period of 2022-2026.