Designing the transformation strategy of the Greek industry - European Commission Skip to main content
Reform Support
Supporting reforms to foster an attractive business environment and increase competitiveness

Supporting reforms to foster an attractive business environment and increase competitiveness

Funding Programme
  • 2021

Designing the transformation strategy of the Greek industry

The Commission supports Greece in terms of AS IS Analysis, recommendations, consultation with stakeholders and capacity building activities with a view to (a) developing a New Industrial Strategy and (b) building sufficient capacity and effective governance frameworks required to design and implement industrial policy. The project will lead to the adoption and implementation of a comprehensive industrial strategy aiming to enhance the resilience of the Greek industry, boost its competitiveness and growth.    


The problem of disjointed policy activities in the industrial policy area and its interrelated policy domains, remains a long-standing and persistent issue in Greece. In addition, the challenges facing the EU today, are also pressing in Greece: the need to pursue a Digital and Green transformation to build a resilient and  sound industrial base to cope with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and to enhance strategic autonomy.  These challenges call for a robust, diversified and targeted National Industrial Strategy which is pursued through this project. The project is closely linked to the EU’s industrial strategy, the EU chips act, REpowerEU initiative, updated industrial strategy.

Support delivered and Expected results 

The project provides support for: 

  • developing a comprehensive and renewed National Industrial Strategy and Action Plan   
  • drafting a Dissemination Plan for the National Industrial Strategy and Action Plan   
  • Capacity building to the General Secretariat of Industry for undertaking its role as Secretariat of the National Industry Committee  
  • developing a governance mechanism for effective industrial policy design and implementation  
  • implementing specific measures of the National Industry Action Plan   

More about the project

You can read the final report here: