Support to the implementation of the Hungarian national climate strategy - European Commission Skip to main content
Reform Support
Supporting reforms to transition to a green economy and fight climate change

Supporting reforms to transition to a green economy and fight climate change

Funding Programme
  • 2019

Supporting the implementation of the national climate strategy in Hungary  

 The Commission supported the Ministry of Innovation and Technology in implementing the Hungarian National Climate Change Strategy, with a focus on analysing and integrating best monitoring and evaluation practices.   


Following the adoption of the National Climate Change Strategy 2018-2030, with an outlook to 2050, the Hungarian Government aimed to address one of the shortcomings of the previous climate strategy: the incomplete monitoring framework related to climate and energy policies, which limited the knowledge of political decision-makers about the effectiveness of such policies, actions and strategies. In addition, Hungary aimed to improve the implementation of EU requirements to include potential impacts on climate change, vulnerability to climate change and relevant adaptation measures into the environmental assessment of public and private projects, for example large scale infrastructure projects.   

Support delivered  

The Commission mobilised the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency to support Hungary with the implementation of the national climate strategy. The support included:  

  • A situation analysis, a summary of best practices and a methodology report related to the framework for monitoring and evaluation of the effects of climate and energy policy measures,   
  • Events to exchange best practice regarding monitoring and evaluation with environmental authorities from Germany and the Netherlands  
  • A training of trainers and the provision of training material regarding climate change impacts and climate adaptation within the framework of environmental impact assessments  

Results achieved  

The project results will contribute to the setting up of a national monitoring and evaluation system for the effects of climate and energy policies and measures in Hungary. Furthermore, the project has strengthened the administrative and monitoring capacity of the Hungarian authorities with regard to climate change, including for environmental impact assessments. This will improve the implementation and tracking of decarbonisation activities across the country and will allow obtaining a better understanding of climate mitigation and adaptation issues already at the planning phase of infrastructure investments. This will also help reducing the potential project vulnerability to severe weather events.