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Reform Support
Integration of Third Country Nationals in Poland banner

Supporting reforms to achieve fairer, more efficient, and more sustainable migration, asylum and border management processes

Funding Programme
  • 2022

Facilitating social and labour market inclusion of Third Country Nationals in Poland, with focus on persons displaced from Ukraine

The Commission is supporting Poland to improve the provision of integration services and recognition of qualifications, with a focus on those fleeing Russia’ war of aggression against Ukraine.


Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Polish border guards have registered around 8 million border crossings concerning people displaced from Ukraine to Poland, of which approximately 1.5 million are expected to remain in the country. Considering the current emergency framework, the Commission is helping the authorities at national, regional and local level to further operationalize the temporary protection directive and facilitate social inclusion. 

Support delivered 

The Commission, in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration, is supporting the Ministry of Family and Social Policy and other national stakeholders with: 

  • A functional review and recommendations to improve the provision of integration services through integration centers for foreigners, with particular focus on those displaced from Ukraine. 
  • Recommendations to enhance coordination structures for integration at province level.  
  • A review of the Polish legal framework and recommendations for legislative adjustments. 
  • A comparative analysis concerning recognition of skills and qualifications for a selected number of professions between Poland and Ukraine. 
  • The development of a registry and an operational roadmap to improve the recognition of skills and qualifications. 

Results achieved 

The project will result in improving the capacity of Polish authorities to provide swift access to basic services (e.g. accommodation, education, healthcare, jobs etc.) for migrants and refugees, with a focus on persons displaced from Ukraine.

More about the project

Interactive informative registry