First Step: Online Pre-departure Integration Measures (PDIMs) in Malta - European Commission Skip to main content
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Supporting reforms to achieve fairer, more efficient, and more sustainable migration, asylum and border management processes

Funding Programme
  • 2023

First Step: Online Pre-departure Integration Measures (PDIMs) in Malta

The Commission is supporting the Maltese authorities to strengthen their capacity to develop, adapt, and implement processes and policies related to the effective and sustainable integration of third country nationals. 


The high number of migrant newcomers in Malta’s population calls for effective integration mechanisms that provide migrants with better information on local norms and customs, and on migration and work permit related procedures. Moreover, to address the language barriers, particularly with regard to English and Maltese, it is essential to facilitate access to mainstream support services.  

These mechanisms will be structured around well organised pre-departure integration measures (PDIMs), including language training, vocational training, civic orientation assessment, skills assessment, and providing migrants with the knowledge and skills that can contribute to their integration after arrival, enabling them to create the necessary connections within the communities that welcome them. These PDIMs would reinforce the measures which are to be included in Malta’s Second Integration Policy Framework for 2023-2027, which is in line with the Commission’s 2016 Action Plan on the integration of third country nationals, making these measures a policy priority. 

Support delivered

The support measures will include: 

  • Setting up of a Technical Expert Pool and organising study visits for Maltese stakeholders. 
  • Developing a mapping report with recommendations on PDIMs.  
  • Designing the structure of a dedicated digital platform for PDIMs. 

Expected results

The project will allow all relevant stakeholders to have a better understanding of the needs and resources necessary to ensure sustainable foundations for Pre-Departure Integration Measures (PDIMs) in Malta. Moreover, it will support the Maltese authorities in having a clear understanding of the support required for the implementation of tailor-made PDIMs and for the creation of a dedicated PDIMs digital platform.

Useful links

IOM Website Page on this Project: Online Pre-Departure Integration Measures (PDIMs) in Malta | IOM Malta