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Reform Support
© EU

Supporting reforms to achieve fairer, more efficient, and more sustainable migration, asylum and border management processes

Funding Programme
  • 2018

Implementation of the National Plan for the integration of Refugees and International Protection Holders in Italy

for the Ministry of Interior

The Commission is supporting national authorities in their efforts to implement the National Plan for the integration of Refugees and International Protection Holders.


The 2017 National Integration Plan describes the priority areas of intervention, but does not define specific objectives or activities. Moreover, the Italian multi-level governance system of integration requires strong coordination among stakeholders.

Support delivered

The support is provided with the International Organization for Migration as implementing partner.

The support measures consisted of:

  • enhancing stakeholders' administrative capacity to identify, prioritise and implement integration policies;
  • providing support for the prioritisation of thematic areas and pilot actions to launch the implementation of the National Plan;
  • developing a monitoring and evaluation strategy.

Results achieved

The support from the Commission is delivering the following results:

  • strengthen vertical and horizontal coordination between relevant stakeholders in implementing integration actions;
  • prepare the design, monitoring, and evaluation of several pilots for the implementation of the National Plan.

And is having the following impact:

  • improve the integration of refugees and international protection holders in local communities.