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Reform Support
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Supporting reforms to achieve fairer, more efficient, and more sustainable migration, asylum and border management processes

Funding Programme
  • 2020

Supporting reforms to enhance the reception conditions for asylum seekers in Greece

for the Ministry of Migration and Asylum

The European Commission is supporting the establishment of a permanent reception system for vulnerable asylum seekers, entirely managed by the state, with standards in line with the EU acquis.

Moreover, the Commission supports national authorities with reinforcing their institutional and operational capacity to provide appropriate reception conditions and services to vulnerable asylum seekers


Greece is gradually building a state-run reception system. The authorities responsible for the reception and services for newly arrived asylum seekers requested technical support to complete this transformation.

Support delivered

The support provided in cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees aims at:

  • assessing gaps and best practices on which to build an action plan;
  • developing a regulatory and legislative framework as well as harmonising, systemising and monitoring reception conditions; and
  • training officials.

Results achieved

The Commission achieved the following results:

  • Improved reception conditions and procedures;
  • Establishment of a sustainable system for accommodation and provision of recommendations  on cash assistance

And impact:

  • Enhanced accommodation, services and assistance for asylum seekers.

Project in the spotlight

Watch the video below to discover more about the project.