Strengthening coordination on inclusion of third country nationals in Slovakia - European Commission Skip to main content
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Supporting reforms to achieve fairer, more efficient, and more sustainable migration, asylum and border management processes

Funding Programme
  • 2022

Strengthening coordination on inclusion of third country nationals in Slovakia

The European Commission is supporting the Slovak Republic in enhancing its capacity to oversee, coordinate and monitor the implementation of effective national policies and mechanisms for the integration of migrants, in particular people displaced from Ukraine following Russia’s invasion. 


Following Russia’s unprovoked military aggression against Ukraine, the Slovak Republic has experienced a mass influx of displaced persons and high pressure on its response and coordination mechanisms. Integration policies in Slovakia and respective measures and activities are conducted primarily through stand-alone projects rather than long-term sustainable approaches. Due to the involvement of numerous stakeholders and complex legislative and practical landscapes, persons displaced from Ukraine, as well as other migrants, frequently struggle with obtaining and understanding the information pertinent related to the available services.  

A comprehensive coordination system is therefore necessary to ensure that relevant integration policies and support measures are implemented, monitored and constantly adapted to changing needs.

Support delivered 

 The Commission, in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), is supporting the Migration Office of the Slovak Republic to:  

  • Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the national policies, practices, structures and legislation aimed at welcoming people displaced from Ukraine, and at integrating migrants. 

  • Draft recommendations for the establishment of a single centralized managing body that would mainstream and fulfil the migration and integration policies of the Slovak Republic. 

  • Build capacity of relevant institutions, stakeholders and practitioners involved in a successful integration/inclusion response of migrants. 

Results achieved 

The project will increase the Migration Office capacity to design and coordinate integration policies and programmes, considering the immediate needs of persons displaced from Ukraine as well as the early and long-term needs of other migrants. 

Its expected impact is a better and faster access to integration services so that people displaced from Ukraine feel welcome and are better integrated.