Strengthening resilience of public administrations after COVID-19 crisis - European Commission Skip to main content
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Strengthening the resilience of public administration after the COVID19 crisis with CAF 2020 banner

Supporting reforms to reinforce efficient and high quality public administrations

Funding Programme
  • 2021

Strengthening the resilience of public administrations after the COVID-19 crisis with CAF 2020

The Commission helps strengthen the resilience of public sector organisations in European Member States by collecting and assessing the recent experience of managing the COVID-19 crisis.  The project will use the EU Common Assessment Framework (CAF) and its network of contact points (at country and organisational level), to gather insights from organisations who have recently used the CAF on their experience in maintaining resilience during the COVID-19 crisis.  Through a combination of case studies, (deep-dive) workshops and analysis, the project will develop new insights into the ways that European public organisations can improve resilience in the face of unforeseen future shocks and challenges.    

The multi-country project will support Belgium and its partnering countries Austria, Bulgaria, Finland, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Slovak Republic and Slovenia. The OECD will implement the project. The European Institute for Public Administration and the Regional School for Public Administration will be involved in the project activities.

Support delivered

The project, with the support of the OECD, will produce the following outputs:

  • A survey of recent CAF users on their experience of the COVID-19 crisis and how the CAF contributed to organisational readiness and resilience.
  • A series of case studies among a selection of organisations in multiple countries, to further analyse the response and lessons learned from  the crisis. 
  • A series of thematic papers with analysis and recommendations, based on multi-country deep-dive workshops to further explore and analyse the findings of the case studies along thematic lines (e.g. digital, innovation, whole of government collaboration, policy coordination, etc.). 
  • A synthesis report summarising the results of the activities with clear and actionable recommendations for the CAF network, organisational management, and national-level administrations. 
  • Multi-country ‘deep-dive’ thematic workshops to share and discuss the results of the case studies.   
  • Communicate on project progress and results.

Results achieved

The project should increase the number of administrations and organisations that undertake assessments of their performance to identify improvements and implement recommendations stemming from the results of the deep dives in support of resilience-oriented reforms. In the long term, this should result in more resilient public administrations in European member states.

More about the project

Read the report here:

Read the highlights from the project:

  • 24 APRIL 2023
More resilient public administrations after COVID-19: Lessons from using the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) 2020