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Reform Support
Modelling the macroeconomic and fiscal impact of climate and energy policies in Slovenia’

Supporting reforms to ensure efficient and effective revenue administration and public financial management

Funding Programme
  • 2021

Modelling the macroeconomic and fiscal impact of climate and energy policies in Slovenia

The Commission is supporting the Slovenian Ministry of Finance to develop a new economic model that allows them to assess the impact of climate and energy policies on the Slovenian economy and public finances.

The technical support is delivered through private consultancy services. The project is expected to strengthen the analytical capacity of the Ministry of Finance and to contribute to designing more effective climate and energy policies in Slovenia. 


The project aims to support Union priorities for 2019-2024, namely the European Green Deal and the Energy Union. Enhancing the quality of economic modelling frameworks contributes towards providing decision makers with more accurate evidence of the implications of policy options. This, in turn  enables the design of more effective economic, climate and energy policies that support the green transition. The project aims to contribute to the implementation of the Slovenian National Energy and Climate Plan for 2021-2030, as well as the implementation of the Slovenian Recovery and Resilience Plan. Moreover the new economic modelling framework is intended to assess the impact of green measures included in the Plan. 

Support delivered 

The technical support is delivered through private consultancy services and consists in (i) reviewing the existing economic models used by the Slovenian Ministry of Finance to simulate economic, fiscal and other policy changes, (ii) building a preliminary structure of a new economic modelling framework, (iii) preparing the technical documentation and user guide for the new modelling framework , (iv) training the Ministry of Finance on the use of the new modelling framework, (v) delivering the finalised version of the new modelling framework, and (iv) providing recommendations for further model development and improvement. 

Results achieved

The project is expected to strengthen the Ministry of Finance’s capacity to assess the implications of climate and energy policy measures on the Slovenian economy and public finances. This in turn is expected to contribute to the design of more effective climate and energy policies in the context of the EU objective to reach climate neutrality by 2050.

More about the project

You can read the documents related to the project here: