Preparing a digital transformation strategy for the Irish revenue authority - European Commission Skip to main content
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Reform Support
Supporting reforms to ensure efficient and effective revenue administration and public financial management.

Supporting reforms to ensure efficient and effective revenue administration and public financial management.

Funding Programme
  • 2021

Preparing a digital transformation strategy for the Irish revenue authority 

The Commission provided technical support to the Office of the Revenue Commissioners in Ireland with the aim of preparing a digital transformation strategy that would help lift the authority’s degree of digitalisation to the next level. 


Technological developments and the increasing digitalisation of society and economy affect revenue authorities across the world as taxpayers’ expectations change and new business models emerge. These trends necessitate revenue authorities to adapt to a changing context by embracing the ever-evolving opportunities presented by digitalisation and by seeking to respond positively to the attendant threats. The development of a strategic vision is therefore a prerequisite for shaping the authority’s future while maintaining its leading position as a tax and customs administration. The project is linked to the Commission’s digital and tax agendas. 

Support delivered 

At the end of the 14-month project, the authority has at its disposal:  

  • A feasibility analysis of digitalisation possibilities in Irish Revenue’s operations and organisation; 
  • A strategy and action plan on the digital transformation of Irish Revenue in the medium term;  
  • A change management plan to assist the deployment of the strategy and action plan 

Results achieved 

The technical support aided Irish Revenue in setting out a path for its further digitalisation. Through the identification of seven new digitalisation initiatives in the newly developed strategy and action plan on digital transformation, the Irish revenue authority can take the next steps in achieving its strategic vision of building in greater levels of compliance through seamless taxation and real-time risk management, as well as ensuring greater collaboration with a broader ecosystem of partners. These initiatives are underpinned by taxpayer expectations, Revenue business objectives, and relevant external industry trends.

More about the project

You can read the final report here: