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Reform Support

Supporting reforms to improve the quality of education and training systems and ensure equal access to it

Funding Programme
  • 2022

Implementing a system for Recognition of Prior Learning in Croatia 

The Croatian Ministry of Science and Education and Agency for VET and Adult Education requested assistance via the Technical Support Instrument to establish a system for recognising prior learning. The technical support, provided in cooperation with the OECD, consisted of reviewing European best practices and analysing how models could be adapted to the Croatian context. This informed the writing of the rulebook, methodology and guidelines. 


Participation in lifelong learning remains low in Croatia, with only 4.4% of the Croatian adult population (aged 25-64) participating in education or training, compared to an EU average of 11.9% in 2022. The Croatian government committed to bridge this gap by 2030 in its National Development Strategy. Towards this goal, a system for recognition of prior learning system would shorten upskilling pathways, by giving adults credit for skills already acquired, making participation in adult learning more accessible. This is in line with the 2012 Council Recommendation on the validation of non-formal and informal learning as well as the 2022 Council Recommendation on a European approach to micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability and the 2022 Council Recommendation on individual learning accounts.

Support delivered

With funding from the TSI, the technical support consisted of a review of good practices in EU Member States on validation of prior learning, organization of peer-learning opportunities, and an assessment of the Croatian adult learning context and how RPL might be applied in Croatia. Based on this, the OECD provided recommendations and inputs to the drafting of the rulebook, methodology, and implementation guidelines. The technical support also involved designing and implementing a training workshop for adult education institutions. Finally, the support included a set of proposed immediate next steps for implementing the new system.

Results achieved

The Croatian authorities successfully developed a system for recognition of prior informal and non-formal learning and piloting of the new system has started. The expected long-term effect of this project is to offer a way for adults to have their existing skills validated on the basis of the national qualification framework, easing access to education and training and the labour market. Also, implementation of the system of recognition of prior learning will influence closer connection of real labour market needs and education of adults by shortening time of education and targeting specific needs of the participants, as well ensuring easier horizontal and vertical passage through the education system. Ultimately, the expected long-term effect is an increase in adult learning participation and closing of skill gaps in in-demand sectors.  

More about the project

You can read the documents related to the project here: