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Reform Support
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Supporting reforms to achieve fairer, more efficient, and more sustainable migration, asylum and border management processes

Funding Programme
  • 2022

Talent Hub: Supporting retention and intra-EU mobility of skilled migrants in Denmark and the EU

The project supports Copenhagen Capacity and other EU stakeholders to develop intra-EU collaboration on talent with a view to strengthen retention of skilled migrants in Denmark and the EU, and enhance intra-EU talent mobility.

The European Commission is supporting Copenhagen Capacity and other EU national authorities to develop intra-EU collaboration on international talent retention with a view to strengthen retention of skilled migrants in Denmark and the EU and enhance their mobility across the EU.


The Talent Hub supports Copenhagen Capacity and other EU national authorities to develop intra-EU collaboration on international talent management with a view to strengthen retention of skilled migrants in Denmark and the EU and enhance their mobility across the EU. Talent is defined here as mid to highly skilled Third Country National (TCN) workers. 

EU Member States need to expand on existing EU initiatives for attracting foreign talent and to replicate best practices on social inclusion and retention in the context of global competition for international talent. Enhancing the integration and social inclusion of migrants meets key European objectives of equality and social cohesion, which are essential for a dynamic economy that benefits all.

Support delivered

The Talent Hub project will develop various materials, including a modular guidebook showcasing practical experiences and best practices with talent retention in selected EU Member States. This guidebook can be applied to different EU stakeholders seeking varied input on their challenges on talent retention, attraction and circulation in their national contexts.  

The project concludes with the formulation of a concept note on a Talent Hub EU coordination mechanism (collaboration & knowledge sharing mechanism of best practices) and a final workshop in February 2024.

Expected results

The technical support will strengthen the capacity of Danish and European authorities to develop, adapt and implement strategies related primarily to talent retention, nurturing and attraction.

Useful links

More information about the Talent Hub EU project on the website of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

More about the project

You can read the documents related to the project here: