Supporting the Walloon Region and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation to build capacity for spending reviews - European Commission Skip to main content
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Supporting reforms to ensure efficient and effective revenue administration and public financial management

Funding Programme
  • 2021

Supporting the Walloon Region and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation to build capacity for spending reviews

The Commission supported two federated government entities in Belgium (the Walloon Region and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation) to build capacity for spending reviews and to institutionalise spending reviews, including by integrating them in the entities’ respective budgetary processes.


The support was directly linked to the Belgian Recovery and Resilience Plan. The Belgian RRP included a commitment by the various federated entities in Belgium, including the Walloon Region and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, to integrate spending reviews in their respective budgetary processes and in doing so improve the efficiency and composition of public spending.

In 2020, the government of the Walloon Region started a spending review exercise, and in 2021 the government of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation also started a similar spending review exercise. Both of the federated entities sought to build on the progress achieved from these initial exercises with the support provided by the Commission.

Support delivered

The Project provided the authorities in the Walloon Region and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation with technical reports that reviewed the progress achieved from the existing spending review exercises. The technical reports included a methodology and recommendations to improve the design, conduct and follow-up of spending reviews by each federated entity. The technical reports were supplemented with action plans to provide a practical and sequenced approach to the implementation of the recommendations on integrating the spending review processes with the annual budget processes. The final element of the support was to conduct capacity-building workshops with representatives from each federated entity.

Results achieved

The Project resulted in new and additional resources on spending reviews for both the Walloon Region and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and equipped the authorities with materials that will help them make progress on the commitments in the Belgian Recovery and Resilience Plan, specifically to institutionalise spending reviews and integrate the approved decisions from spending reviews into budget processes.

More about the project

You can read the final reports here: