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Reform Support

Supporting reforms to improve the quality of education and training systems and ensure equal access to it

Funding Programme
  • 2024

Implementing in France the green transition roadmap of the general delegation for employment and professional training

With its national low-carbon strategy, France seeks to promote green jobs that cannot be relocated, but this transition requires a profound change in the economic sectors concerned for companies and workers. The Ministry of Labour (DGEFP) calls for TSI support to implement and adjust its upcoming roadmap for the green transition to adapt the continuing training system, to promote professional retraining and the greening of jobs.


This project is at the crossroads of European priorities, namely competitiveness, the Green Deal and the European Skills Agenda. The green transition is having a direct effect on the French labour market: some jobs disappear, new opportunities arise and, more importantly, many existing professions and tasks are being transformed.

To face these changes, the General Delegation for Employment and Professional Training of the French Ministry of Labour (DGEFP) is developing a roadmap to facilitate a green and just transition regarding employment and training policies. This roadmap will allow the Ministry of Labour, including its local branches, to better support businesses, jobholders and jobseekers to navigate the green transition. The DGEFP has requested the support of the European Union’s Technical Support Instrument to consolidate and implement its future roadmap in France.

Support Delivered

The European Commission selected the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to implement the project for 18 months until January 2026. The European technical support aims to foster the greening of a selection of schemes for employment and skills development under the responsibility of DGEFP. The work will be based on evidence-based analysis and in-depth consultations with the main stakeholders involved in the implementation of these schemes.

The first phase of the project will assess the readiness for the green transition of selected schemes and will draw on good practice in other countries that have adapted their employment and training policies to facilitate the green transition. The second phase will be devoted to the development of an action plan, an impact evaluation methodology, a contribution to a training plan for the public agents of the DGEFP and its regional services, and a toolkit to support the local implementation of the action plan.

Result achieved

At the end of the project, the beneficary authority will be provided with tools to make its policy schemes fit for the green transition and to monitor their impact on companies and individuals. It is expected that the DGEFP staff will have an increased capacity to design and implement these schemes.

In the longer term, the French employment and training policies should be up to the challenges entailed by the green transition and French businesses and individuals are expected to use DGEFP’s instruments to navigate the changes on the labour market linked to the green transition.