On a regular basis, the European Commission chooses a project to be its ‘project in the spotlight’. The featured projects, from different policy areas and in different countries, are selected on the basis of effective implementation, promising results on the ground as well as a potential to be replicated across the EU. In this way, the Commission seeks to encourage best practices.

The Commission supported the establishment a comprehensive Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) across Croatia, enhancing the efficiency and availability of emergency medical care, particularly in remote and isolated areas.

This multi-country action is addressing the Wadden Sea, shared by the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Actions are needed, which aim to provide solutions addressing the cross-border challenge linked to the East Atlantic Flyway for water-birds encompassing coastal wetlands all along the Atlantic coast, from Northern Europe down to southern Africa, including the Arctic breeding areas.

The Commission has supported the Broadband Competence Office (BCO) in Cyprus and the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP).
The main objective was the improvement of the capacity of the Broadband Competence Office (BCO) to increase the access of the population to affordable, high quality, and speed broadband services.

The European Commission supports Department for Public Works of the Ministry for Public Works and Planning - together with Malta’s Tourism Authority to develop a National Coastal Protection for the Maltese Islands.

The European Commission is supporting the Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure (RDI) to speed up and set up proper supervision of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems in compliance with the forthcoming AI Act and other relevant legislation.

The Commission is supporting the increase in awareness of policies for promoting Gender Equality across seven Member States. The project supports the beneficiary administrations to analyse policies and budgeting processes from a gender mainstreaming perspective. Its aim is to ensure that all citizens, regardless of their gender, are able to fully participate and contribute to a fair society.

The Commission supports 23 EU Member States to strengthen their capacity for greening public finances and to raise awareness of the EU Green Budgeting Reference Framework.

The Commission is supporting Romania to accelerate the access to essential services for persons fleeing Ukraine due to Russia’s unprovoked attack, including access to education for Ukrainian children.

The EU Supervisory Digital Finance Academy (EU-SDFA) is a TSI flagship initiative aimed at supporting financial supervisory authorities in coping with the risks and opportunities associated with the use of advanced technologies in the financial sector.

The Commission supports Slovakia in setting out a strategy for a fair climate transition in the regions of Horna Nitra, Banska Bystrica and Kosice.

The Commission supported this project aimed at carrying out the Portuguese Action Programme for the prevention of rural wildfires in three pilot regions. The objective is to protect citizens’ lives and their property from the fires, identifying and managing the most vulnerable territories, and ensuring the protection of the ecosystems.

The Commission provided technical support to Statistics Poland for a new organisational model with the view to quickly responding to challenges of a changing world, while strengthening and modernising its institutional capacity.

The European Commission has supported Slovenia to set up its first “House for Children”. The Barnahus officially opened on 27th May 2022 and will provide support to children victims of violence. The purpose of the project was to support the Slovenian authorities in setting up and implementing the Barnahus (children’s house) response model for child victims and witnesses of violence. The Barnahus model is designed to coordinate parallel criminal justice and child-welfare assessment processes in suspected cases of children’s sexual abuse.

The European Commission supported the co-ordination of past and future IT initiatives while preparing for a Digital Justice Strategy in line with European good practices, as well as the development of a digital justice strategy and an accompanying action plan through a comprehensive consultation process of all stakeholders and targeted and operational recommendation.

The Commission supported two successive projects, which were implemented in cooperation with the World Bank, developing an early warning methodology for early school leaving and piloted it in 10 Romanian counties.

This project aimed to protect consumers and enhance financial literacy in Italy through financial education programmes.

The European Commission has supported the Brussels Capital Region in developing a regulatory framework for Mobility as a Service (MaaS).

The European Commission supported the Czech authorities in developing a comprehensive guide for SMEs about capital market financing options.

The European Commission is supporting the establishment of a permanent reception system for vulnerable asylum seekers, entirely managed by the state, with standards in line with the EU acquis.

The European Commission has supported the Supreme Court of Cyprus to modernise the civil procedure rules.

The Commission is supporting Germany in its efforts to design a framework for the wider rollout of genomics in healthcare service delivery, specifically in cancer and rare diseases.

The Commission provided support to Flanders Investment and Trade (FIT) to develop a deployment framework for Artificial Intelligence (AI) with a well-defined practice for conducting enterprise analysis, design, and planning for the implementation of AI.