Implementation and monitoring of the Recovery and Resilience Plan for green transition - European Commission Skip to main content
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Implementation and monitoring of the Recovery and Resilience Plan for the green transition

Supporting reforms to transition to a green economy and fight climate change

Funding Programme
  • 2021

Implementation and monitoring of the Recovery and Resilience Plan for green transition

The Commission is supporting the development of a mechanism for managing investments, monitoring and reporting on the green components of the Spanish Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP). In addition, the project is supporting the adoption of a number of sectoral reforms linked to the RRP, namely (i) a regulatory framework to promote renewable hydrogen; (ii) a new protocol for coastal wetlands restoration, and (iii) high performing recycling schemes to improve circular economy at the local level.  


The Spanish Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) assigns more than 39% of the economic resources committed for the first three years of implementation (2021-2023) to the green transformation of the economy. Against this backdrop, and faced with such an ambitious reform package, Spain requested technical support to monitor the implementation of its own green RRP components, to manage investments, as well as to implement a number of sectoral reforms linked to wetlands restoration, waste management, energy storage and renewable energy. 

Support delivered 

The beneficiary of this technical support project is the Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. The support is structured around the key outputs outlined below:  

  • A framework to monitor and manage the investments included under the relevant components of the RRP, and a “train the trainers” module linked to said framework; 
  • A holistic evaluation framework to monitor compliance with the European and national legislation, as well as a framework to assess the ex-post impact of investments; 
  • A communication strategy to promote the implementation of the national RRP at the national, regional and local level, and vis-à-vis the public at large; 
  • Recommendations on the implementation of high performing recycling and waste schemes at local level; on the restoration of coastal wetlands; and on amendments to the regulatory framework for energy storage and renewable energy. 

Frameworks to monitor investments under the RRP, monitor compliance with the European and national legislation, communication strategy, recommendations on the implementation 

Results achieved 

The project is expected to result in the following outcomes: 

  • Newly established mechanisms for monitoring and reporting progress on the completion of milestones and targets linked to the green components of the RRP, as well as a management framework for RRP green investments; 
  • Adopted sectoral reforms related to waste management at the local level, the restoration of coastal wetlands, energy storage and renewable energy, in particular off-shore wind, renewable hydrogen and other renewable gases. 

More about the project

You can read the documents related to the project here: