Customs programme - European Commission
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Customs programme

The Customs programme supports:

  1. the preparation and uniform implementation of customs legislation and policy;
  2. customs cooperation;
  3. administrative and IT capacity building, including human competency and training, as well as the development and operation of European electronic systems; and
  4. innovation in the area of customs policy.

The programme aims to protect the financial and economic interests of the Union and its Member States and to ensure security and safety within the Union, to protect the Union from unfair and illegal trade, while facilitating legitimate business activity.

Technical support provided

The programme supports, amongst others, collaborative activities, such as seminars, workshops, project groups and networks, study and working visits, as well as deep operational cooperation in the form of expert teams, and other similar activities.

Phase of technical support

General collaborative action initiatives can be initiated at any point in time under the general collaboration action grants of the Customs programme.


The programme is limited to the national customs authorities of the Member States and those of other countries associated to the programme. For further information, please contact the national programme coordinator located in each Member State’s national customs administration.

Examples of technical support projects

Series of study and working visits, combined with training workshops as well as the presence of short-term experts in a customs administration to address an identified shortcoming or explore future orientations for development in a given customs area.

General Information

Lead DG
Total amount of the programme 2021/2027

€950 Million

Estimated amount dedicated to technical support projects to Member States

Approximately EUR 50 million for 2021-2027 in the form of collaborative activities

Contact person