Digital transition - European Commission
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Digital transition

Digital economy, research and innovation

Digital technologies have a profound impact on our way of living and doing business. A systematic and forward-looking research and innovation strategy is crucial to a more productive and green economy. Member States need to have the capacity to reap the benefits of our increasingly digitalised society and face the challenges it brings. They are looking to design policies and deploy innovative solutions to give businesses the confidence, competences and means to digitalise and grow.


  • Designing an industry strategy, an action plan for its implementation and a governance model for its monitoring.
  • Designing tools for technology transfer, commercialisation of research and development and better integration in value chains.
  • Proposing technical solutions and skill capabilities for the digitalisation of the construction sector.
  • Supporting entrepreneurial discovery processes, cooperation between academia and businesses and smart specialisation.

Digital public administration

The digital transformation of public administrations is a way to provide faster, cheaper and better services. E-government improves efficiency and increases user-friendliness and accessibility. It also helps promote ethical practices and reduce the risks of corruption.

E-government has a strong interministerial aspect as it requires an overall simplification of administrative processes across services to meet citizens’ needs.The implementation of solid e-governance is at the core of the development of e-government. Once decision-making and supervision bodies are in place, EU Member States can define their strategies, architectures and frameworks and proceed with implementation.


  • Designing digital governance systems and putting in place the right management framework.
  • Improving services delivered by EU Member States’ administrations to citizens, companies and other administrations by using information and communication technologies such as artificial intelligence.
  • Helping administrations make use of new digital technologies to overcome the lack of interoperability of IT systems.
Flag of Italy with sky

The Directorate for IT Systems and Innovation of the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance is responsible for the digital transformation, promoting innovation and supplying IT services.

Digitalisation of healthcare

Digitalisation of healthcare is one of the priorities for health system transformation. Citizens should have secure access to their health data, also across borders. Citizens should be empowered to use digital tools to look after their health, stimulate prevention and enable feedback and interaction with the healthcare providers. A number of the currently running health projects at the Commission are linked to digitalisation of healthcare systems, either developing national strategies, new governance models or solving interoperability issues.

The support measures are expected to enable the authorities to set the strategic, governance and technical frameworks to guide the efficient digital transformation of health systems and investments in digital health infrastructure.


  • Digital health
  • Interoperability
  • Digital governance
  • Telemedicine

Digitalisation of revenue authorities

The rapid growth of information and communications technologies (ICT) imposes challenges for revenue authorities in keeping up with the latest developments and trends. Digitalisation is essential for providing better taxpayer services, dealing with big data and detecting risks. It is also important for making revenue collection more effective and efficient. The European Commission provides technical support for the design and implementation of ICT reforms in revenue authorities.


  • Developing ICT strategies and action plans.
  • Strengthening data governance and management.
  • Identifying a funding framework for ICT investments
  • Drafting business case and functional specifications

Digital Skills, education and training

To shape Europe’s digital future, the European Commission is determined to tackle the digital skills gap and promote projects and strategies to improve the level of digital skills in Europe.

All Europeans need digital skills to study, work, communicate, access online public services and find trustworthy information. Digital skills are a crucial driver of the EU’s competitiveness and innovation capacity. They are also a key determinant of social cohesion and personal well-being. Ongoing digital and green transformations bring fast economic restructuring, which requires people to engage in lifelong learning. Moreover, these transitions require Member States to unlock their full skills and innovation potential. This includes reforms to improve the quality of education and training systems.

The European Commission supports EU Member States by providing expertise and exchange of good practices in the field of skills, education and training.


  • Improving the upskilling and reskilling systems in adult education.
  • Fostering digital education and skills.
  • Improving higher education, research and innovation.
  • Improving vocational education and training.


Contact details

Main contact point for applying for the Technical Support Instrument

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