Health crises, ageing populations, rising expectations for high quality services and technological progress are challenging the sustainability and resilience of health systems. These factors show the need for structural adjustments and/or reforms to enhance public health and the efficiency, resilience and sustainability of health systems, while guaranteeing equitable access to quality services.
EU Member States are engaging in reforms to address these challenges and to enshrine them in their national health programmes, policies and strategies. The Commission offers hands-on implementation support to health authorities to implement reforms and exchange good practices with other EU Member States, thus complementing other available support.
In line with European Commission and national priorities, the Commission contributes to better protect the health of citizens, to enable Member States to prevent and address future pandemics and to improve resilience of Member States’ health systems. As such, the objectives are, both during a crisis and in normal to help better protect people’s health and to practically improve the ground for sustainable investments in strong health systems and the healthcare workforce.