Health and long-term care - European Commission
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Reform Support

Health and long-term care

Enhancing the resilience and sustainability of health systems

Enhancing the resilience and sustainability of health systems is a key objective of structural reforms in this field the Commission engages with Member States administrations, including Ministries of Health, health insurers and other public health authorities on a wide range of topics.The Commission provides support in improving health systems in areas such as cross-border healthcare, digital health, health technology assessment, health workforce, health systems performance assessment, financing and reimbursement mechanisms, quality of care, mental care, long-term care and regulatory frameworks to support a competitive pharmaceutical industry and to reduce medicines’ shortages.


  • Access to care and quality of care
  • Primary care
  • Hospital Care
  • Health workforce
  • Integration of care
  • Medicines’ shortages
  • Long-term care
  • Mental health
Flag of Poland with sky

The Commission has been supporting Slovenia in four strategic reform areas. The collaboration between Slovenia and the European Commission on key reform areas has facilitated the preparation and adoption of laws and regulations.

Flag of EU with sky

The Commission supports the health authorities of Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovenia in assessing the performance of their health systems in order to enable them to further improve the efficiency of health systems.

Digitalisation of healthcare

Digitalisation of healthcare is one of the priorities for health system transformation. Citizens should have secure access to their health data, also across borders. Citizens should be empowered to use digital tools to look after their health, stimulate prevention and enable feedback and interaction with the healthcare providers. A number of the currently running health projects at the Commission are linked to digitalisation of healthcare systems, either developing national strategies, new governance models or solving interoperability issues.

The support measures are expected to enable the authorities to set the strategic, governance and technical frameworks to guide the efficient digital transformation of health systems and investments in digital health infrastructure.


  • Digital health
  • Interoperability
  • Digital governance
  • Telemedicine

COVID-19 has posed significant challenges and has highlighted many weaknesses in the health and social care systems of countries around the world.

On 15 September 2020, the Croatian Ministry of Health and the Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support of the European Commission of the EU organised a workshop ‘’Building survivable eHealth strategies during crisis’’ to share the knowledge on how to develop a resilient eHealth strategy for the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework. The workshop gathered a broad range of digital health experts from national health ministries, health care facilities, and informatics.

This paper presents several eHealth innovations developed and used at local and national levels to help coping with the COVID-19 world pandemic in spring 2020 and provides a handful of practical recommendations and action points to the EU and national stakeholders.

Public health, disease prevention and health promotion

Public health, disease prevention and health promotion are key to improving the resilience of health system, in particular but not only in times of health crises. Many diseases are preventable and can be diagnosed early before a patient is in need of treatment.  Citizens should benefit from holistic public health policies and have access to disease prevention and health promotion services.

The support measures are expected to enable the authorities to set the strategic, governance and technical frameworks to guide the efficient transformation of public health and related policies promoting good health and preventing diseases.


  • Public health
  • Antimicrobial resistance
  • Infectious diseases
  • Genomics
  • Cancer screening

Contact details

Head of Unit Labor Market, Education, Health and Social Services


Main contact point for applying for the Technical Support Instrument

Further details on the work related to health and long term care

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