Support opportunities - European Commission
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Reform Support

Support opportunities

Other EU technical support programmes and instruments

In addition to the Technical Support Instrument, the European Commission proposes additional programmes and instruments that can provide direct technical support to Member States for the preparation and implementation of reforms. The list below gives an overview of the main options available, by policy area. For more information on each programme and instrument, click on the icons in the list.

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Cooperation programme to support the Customs Union and customs authorities working together and acting as one.


The EU4Health Programme is a key instrument for delivering a comprehensive response to the health needs of the European citizens.

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The Fiscalis programme is a cooperation programme that enables national tax administrations to create and exchange information and expertise.

Horizon Policy Support Facility

The Horizon Policy Support Facility gives Member States and countries associated to Horizon Europe practical support to design, implement and evaluate reforms that enhance the quality of their research and innovation investments, policies and systems.

life programme logo; eu stars with life written in the middle

The LIFE programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action that is supporting environmental, circular economy, nature conservation, climate action and sustainable energy projects.

taiex logo

TAIEX supports public administrations in the approximation, application and enforcement of EU legislation as well as in facilitating the sharing of EU best practices.


The Union Anti-fraud Programme (UAFP) pursues protection of the EU’s financial interests; specialised equipment, knowledge and training.


The Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) co-finances projects that support UCPM Member and Participating States’ efforts in the field of disaster prevention and preparedness.

Disclaimer: The list of programmes and instruments in this section is not an exhaustive list of the opportunities for technical support provided centrally by the European Commission. This list will be updated as relevant.