Modernization of the national data-information infrastructure - Statistics Poland - European Commission
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Funding Programme
  • 2019

Modernization of the national data-information infrastructure - Statistics Poland

The Commission provided technical support to Statistics Poland for a new organisational model with the view to quickly responding to challenges of a changing world, while strengthening and modernising its institutional capacity.


Timely, relevant and usable data are fundamental and the most reliable source for a country’s decision-making process. Reliable data is key for the accountability of public institutions, which is pivotal for building trust between citizens and decision makers. Data-driven policy-making is a political priority at EU level as well.

The project addressed the need of Statistics Poland for efficient technology-enabled delivery of high-quality and tailor-made statistics and analytical outputs in a timely manner in response to specific needs of external data users.

Support delivered

The support provided included a diagnostic analysis of Statistics Poland, the definition of the business requirements and the to-be solutions, the development of recommendations, including an implementation roadmap and targeted training ranging from lean management methods to protection of personal data and change management.

Results achieved

The project achieved an organisational and cultural change in Statistics Poland enabling it to embrace innovation and to deliver high quality statistic data in a timely manner. Thanks to the co-design approach applied by the contractor, Statistics Poland has developed a comprehensive plan for modernisation efforts in the institution allowing it to implement the recommendations for a new organisational model enhancing Statistics Poland’s role in data-driven policy-making, while upskilling its employees.

More about the project