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Reform Support
heavy dump trucks, excavators, diggers and locomotives extracting iron ore in deep quarry

Supporting reforms to transition to a green economy and fight climate change

Funding Programme
  • 2023

Enhancing EU Mining Regional Ecosystems to Support the Green Transition and Secure Mineral Raw Materials Supply

This Commission aims at enhancing the EU’s mining regional ecosystems to contribute to the green transition and the EU Strategic Autonomy in mineral raw materials, while improving citizens’ well-being in mining regions. The project will support ten beneficiary regions, i.e. Lapland, North Karelia, Oulu, Kainuu, Central Ostrobothnia (Finland), Region of Central Greece (Greece), Centro Portugal and Alentejo (Portugal), Andalusia (Spain) and Örebro (Sweden) with capacity building activities, a framework for action per region and a synthesis report with common priorities and policy recommendations.


Mineral raw materials are crucial for the future of Europe, representing the backbone of the EU industrial ecosystems  and contributing to the production of multiple goods used in everyday life . Minerals also represent a key input for the development of  clean technologies necessary to meet global climate goals. Since emerging technologies and industries rely heavily on minerals, the demand is expected to rise in the coming years . COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine disrupted value chains, increased prices, and put even greater pressure to meet supply of mineral raw materials, demonstrating  the urgent need for the EU to reduce its external dependence on mineral raw materials, especially from countries with high geopolitical risk or environmentally unsustainable practices.

EU regions with mining resources have the potential to lead to a greater EU Strategic Autonomy on mineral raw materials and accelerate the green transition , while creating new on-site growth opportunities

Support to be delivered

The project provides support to ten EU regions with mining resources located in five different countries, including Finland, Greece, Portugal, Spain and Sweden, with ahe OECD as implementing partner. The project duration is 24 months  and main activities include capacity building activities, a framework for action per region, and a synthesis report with common priorities and policy recommendations.

Expected results

The expected long-term effect of this Project (impact) is improving the economic, social and environmental well-being in beneficiary regions, based on a competitive mining value chain that supports the EU green transition as well Strategic Autonomy .

In addition, the Project is expected to result in the short and / or medium term (outcome):

  • New framework for action to be adopted by the beneficiary regions.
  • Improved capacity of beneficiary regions to support the supply of mineral raw materials with higher sustainability standards and positive environmental, economic and social well-being effects in regional inhabitants.

More about the project

You can read documents related to the project here:

Sweden - Orebro

Andalusia and Central Greece mission photos