Developing eHealth for a healthier society in Slovenia - European Commission Skip to main content
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Supporting reforms to improve the quality and sustainability of our healthcare systems

Funding Programme
  • 2021

Developing eHealth for a healthier society in Slovenia 

This Commission supports the Ministry of Health of Slovenia to develop an eHealth strategy and an investment plan that will outline the objectives and priorities for the development of eHealth in Slovenia for the period 2022-2027. 


Digital transformation of health and care is one of the four key policy priorities of the Slovenian Recovery and Resilience Facility. This project will elaborate a way to implement a unified electronic health record, as well as design a national telemedicine framework and revise the legislation to enable better oversight of the eHealth system and to streamline data flows for better patient care and informed policy making. The project is expected to contribute to the optimization, integration and connectivity of existing information systems and databases, the effectiveness of management and control processes, and data security.  

Support delivered 

The support measures consist in enhancing the capacity of national authorities to develop the eHealth strategy and an implementation plan by analysis of data, demonstration and transfer of experience, knowledge and best practices from other EU Member States on collection and analysis of medical data, electronic data exchange, optimization of data flows between providers and authorities, health system management and business process analysis in the health sector and information security among others. 

Results achieved 

This technical assistance is linked to the planned investments in the Slovenian Recovery and Resilience Plan. It will contribute to the rollout of electronic healthcare records, the setting up of a national telemedicine framework and to future proof legislation that will enable better health and care for all.  

More about the project

You can read the final report here:


The project in the news