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Reform Support
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Supporting reforms to strengthen labour markets social protection systems, and migration management

Funding Programme
  • 2021

Supporting job creation, skills development and social inclusion in cities in the Netherlands

Through the Technical Support Instrument, the European Commission has supported the Municipality of Amsterdam, in close cooperation with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, the Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG) and the Public Employment Service (UWV).  

The technical expertise provided has aimed at reviewing and improving existing employment and social inclusion programmes, and to expand them to support people’s activation and inclusion into the labour market.


Amid the current fast-moving environment of technological disruption, digitisation, and automation, the European Union, its Member States and cities are all facing challenges in terms of changing labour markets.

Cities in the Netherlands are at the forefront of major labour market transformations, and face the challenge of meeting employer demands on the one hand, and supporting jobseekers, especially the most vulnerable, into employment on the other. This requires both co-operation and co-ordination within the “ecosystem” for guidance to work, including national authorities, labour market regions, the National Public Employment Service and cities and municipalities.

Support delivered

Technical support has been provided through: (i) a comprehensive assessment of existing labour market trends, institutional arrangements and programmes in Amsterdam and other major Dutch cities; (ii) a report focusing on evidence-based approaches to support local job-creation and social inclusion, based on international and EU best practice; (iii) a series of peer-learning workshops and exchanges among local policy-makers and practitioners, including a study visit to another EU city; (iv) a set of policy recommendations to support more effective skills and job creation policies in Amsterdam as well as other Dutch cities; and (v) support with the design and implementation of a pilot programme, aimed at testing some of the proposed measures.

Results achieved

As a direct result of this project, the competent authorities within the Municipality of Amsterdam have at their disposal concrete proposals to improve and expand existing labour market and social integration programmes – in particular labour market programmes, skills initiatives and services aimed at young people, the low-skilled and people with a migration background, among others. This is expected to support local job creation efforts at the local level.

Usefull links

Project website:

More about the project

You can read the documents related to the project here: