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Reform Support
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Supporting reforms to reinforce efficient and high quality public administrations

Funding Programme
  • 2019

Developing an ICT strategic plan for the Spanish administration

After the Digital Transformation Plan for the Spanish state administration came to an end in 2020, the Commission supported the General Secretary for Digital Administration's (SGAD) request to:

  • Document the “As-is”, in terms of the current state of the relevant organizational entities and processes.
  • Propose a detailed “To-be” model to include the future state of the Spanish Administration and the main improvements that this new situation would bring to citizens and business.
  • Propose a strategic plan that would guide the General State Administration and its Public Bodies during the period 2021-2024.
  • Draft a roadmap for the transition, including the accompanying instruments and documents to help in its implementation.


Spain is a highly decentralized country and the public sector has a considerable size: the General State Administration, seventeen regional governments and two autonomous cities, plus over eight thousand local entities, fifty public universities and many entities under public law.

The role of the General State Administration, the number and scale of common and shared ICT services provided by the SGAD to all public administrations and entities under public law of the administration in the field of eGovernment, render particularly complex the endeavour of deploying a single and integrated digital strategy in Spain.

The project is related to the EC priority "Digital Single Market" and to the ministerial Declaration on eGovernment, known as the Tallinn Declaration.

Support delivered

The project was deployed using a co-creation approach in order to overcome the main challenges and following the steps below:

  • First the methodology of the project, the “As-is” business process model and the business requirements specification were established.
  • After several co-creation workshops, involving experts from the European Commission and other bodies, the “To-be” business process model and the roadmap were completed.
  • Those deliverables were discussed with the stakeholders and finally went through a peer review exercise performed by recognized experts in the matter, including from other Member States’ administrations.
  • Finally, the beneficiary received - as final outputs - the strategic plan 2021 and the roadmap, together with the communication plan; a follow-up plan was established to check the achievement of the stated outcomes and benefits.

Results achieved

The project delivered the ICT strategic plan for the Administration 2021-2024, together with a roadmap and communication plan. This was done on time and within the planned budget, absorbing in addition the impact of the changes in management and strategic approach during its execution.

The high quality of the results of the project assured their uptake in the country’s strategy for the recovery from the COVID pandemic, paving the way for their implementation.