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Reform Support

Helping Member States to design reforms necessary for the preparation and implementation of their national RRPs

Funding Programme
  • 2023

Building Capacities for Effective Communication of the Benefits of the Recovery and Resilience Plans

Under the European Commission’s Technical Support Instrument , 8 Member States: Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Latvia, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania and Spain, received technical support to enhance their capacities to effectively communicate with stakeholders, the media and the public on the implemented reforms and investments included in their National Recovery and Resilience Plans. This, therefore, contributed to the successful implementation of their National Plans. 


As a response to the COVID-19 unprecedented crisis, the European Union has put forward the most ambitious plan for rapid economic and social recovery – NextGenerationEU. The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), the centrepiece of NextGenerationEU, has helped our economies and societies to emerge stronger and more resilient from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since 2021, the RRF adapted to the emerging challenges and provided crucial support to Member States in the in the wake of Russia’s unprovoked aggression against Ukraine, and the ensuing energy crisis. To benefit from support under the RRF, EU governments have submitted National Recovery and Resilience Plans (RRPs), outlining the reforms and investments they will implement by the end of 2026.  

The RRF, an EU instrument unprecedented in both scale and ambition, has been transforming European economies and every European benefited from it. For the success of the RRPs, effective communication and stakeholder engagement have been crucial for all EU Member States. With support from the European Commission, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Latvia, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, and Spain have requested assistance to enhance their communication capacities for the implementation of their National RRPs. 

Support delivered

Throughout the project, public administrations in Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Latvia, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, and Spain received tailored technical support, encompassing: 

  • Development of communication strategies, plans, manuals and templates. 
  • Creation of diverse communication materials. 
  • Event support, communication campaigns, opinion polls and website recommendations. 
  • Capacity-building activities to facilitate smooth knowledge transfer. 

Results achieved

This project has created a successful and dynamic network of Member States working together and learning from one another on how to address common challenges and to ensure maximum impact when implementing communication strategies for their National RRPs. 

The support included the development of 3 communication strategies, 26 communication plans, 6 communication manuals, 77 communication templates, and 177 communication materials (videos, articles, posts, infographics etc.). The contractor in close cooperation with the beneficiaries launched 3 pilot campaigns, reviewed 3 national websites dedicated to RRPs, supported 6 events, conducted 2 opinion polls, and delivered capacity building actions on RRP communication for over 700 officials across 8 Member States. 

More about the project

Find out more the project with videos in local languages.

Country specific videosLink
Latvia:  RRP video 1Green transition 
Latvia: RRP video 2Digital transformation
Latvia: RRP video 3Health
The Netherlands: RRP video 1 Herstel- en Veerkrachtfaciliteit | Video |
The Netherlands: RRP video 2 Nederlands Herstel- en Veerkrachtplan | Herstel- en Veerkrachtplan |
Portugal: RRP video 1We are RRP
Portugal: RRP video 2Somos Mais sustentáveis
Portugal: RRP video 3Somos mais resilientes
Portugal: RRP video 4Somos mais digitais
Romania:  RRP video 1Transport sustenabil_A7_Long
Romania:  RRP video 2Transformarea digitală_Long 
Romania:  RRP video 3Tichete de activități casnice_Long
Romania:  RRP video 4Tranziție verde_long
Romania:  RRP video 5Politici pentru noua generație_long 
Romania:  RRP video 6Comunități verzi și digitale_long