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Compliance of customs IT systems in Malta with EU customs data model banner

Supporting reforms to ensure efficient and effective revenue administration and public financial management

Funding Programme
  • 2021

Compliance of the customs IT systems in Malta with the EU customs data model

The Commission supports Malta in bringing its customs systems in compliance with the latest version of the EU Customs Data Model, including data analysis, compliance and conformity assessment and the necessary adaptations to related processes and the data ecosystem of Malta Customs.


The Union Customs Code (UCC) lays down the basis of the legal framework for the EU Customs Union. It requires from the EU Member States to deploy a set of customs electronic systems by December 2025 at the latest and in accordance with the timetable laid down in the UCC Work Programme. The deployment and upgrading of the customs electronic systems entails a comprehensive compliance assessment in accordance with the UCC legal framework.

The current customs procedures as embedded in the electronic systems in Malta are still not fully compliant with the EU CDM. The Department of Customs is therefore committed to bring its procedures and electronic systems in full conformance with the EU CDM by the last quarter of 2022, as per respective legal resolution construed by the UCC legal framework. This will ensure the uniform functioning of the EU Customs Union and will provide legal certainty for economic operators.

Support delivered 

The needs of the Maltese authorities will be addressed in a comprehensive way in order to guarantee the continuation and the sustainability of the reform.

The project has delivered:

  • An analytical report on compliance and adaptation of the customs IT systems of Malta
  • Recommendations on the adaptation and assuring the compliance
  • Definition of the adjustments of data requirements per each relevant customs systems
  • Analysis of the impact of adaptations to the customs systems on business processes and customs procedures
  • Recommendations for functional, non-functional and technical requirements
  • A roadmap and implementation plan
  • Training material and training sessions in the field

Results achieved 

It is expected that Malta, more specifically Malta Customs, having been closely involved in the implementation of the project and consulted by the contracting authority on all draft deliverables, adopts the approved deliverables and implements the proposals and recommendations contained in the final deliverables. Provided that such proposals and recommendations will be incorporated as part of Malta Customs’ institutional and operational tasks, the deliverables are expected to result in the following outcomes:

  • Full compliance and uniform application and enforcement; this outcome will provide a full compliance with the data requirements under the UCC legal framework and their uniform application and enforcement.
  • Enhanced enforcement capacity; this outcome will provide an increased capacity for Malta Customs to handle efficiently the high cross-border traffic of goods.