Support to design a national framework for quality assurance of non-formal education and assessment and validation of prior learning - European Commission
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Supporting reforms to improve the quality of education and training systems and ensure equal access to it

Funding Programme
  • 2021

Support to design a national framework for quality assurance of non-formal education and assessment and validation of prior learning

The European Commission supported the Greek National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP) in designing a quality assurance framework for non-formal and informal learning and in initiating a reflection on introducing a system for the assessment and validation of prior learning to support low-skilled adults


The green and digital transitions and the COVID-19 pandemic are changing the Greek labour market, after being shaken by a decade-long economic crisis. Workers and businesses need to adapt and seize new job opportunities through upskilling (improving existing skills) and reskilling (training in new skills). Despite progress, Greece still lacked a well-functioning continuing vocational education and training (CVET) system, limiting upskilling and reskilling opportunities.

EOPPEP – the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance – was institutionally mandated, under L. 4115/2013, with the establishment of a national framework for quality assurance of non-formal and informal learning and with the development of a system for the assessment and validation of prior learning.

Support delivered

The technical support was delivered through an analysis of needs and gaps of the Greek quality assurance initiatives and actions for non-formal learning, as well as a review of best practices in EU Member States on quality assurance and on assessment and validation of prior learning. It also provided recommendations with concrete steps and processes on developing a comprehensive national framework for quality assurance of non-formal and informal learning, based on extensive consultation with relevant actors and stakeholders and on the work of an expert group. The support also included policy recommendations on the design of a system for the assessment and validation of prior learning and a roadmap for its potential launching.

Results achieved

Through this project, Greek authorities were equipped to introduce a quality assurance framework for non-formal and informal learning and to initiate discussions with relevant stakeholders on introducing a system for the assessment and validation of prior learning. The expected long-term effect of this project is to improve the quality of adult learning and its labour market relevance and to support low-skilled adults by easing their access to education and training and the labour market through the assessment and validation of prior learning. Ultimately, the expected long-term effect is the quality upgrading of the CVET system in Greece.

More about the project

You can read the final reports here:


More information about the project on the OECD website: Improving adult learning in Greece - OECD