DG REFORM publishes of newsletters that are shared with the wider Public Administration and Governance (PAG) community. The goal of the newsletter is to continue building and promoting the work of various stakeholders in the PAG community at all levels. With it we aim to share the latest developments in the space with our stakeholders, inform the readers about the Technical Support Instrument and contribute to ongoing discussions.
The second issue of the new Public Administration and Governance Newsletter from January 2023.
The first issue of the new Public Administration and Governance Newsletter from October 2022.
7 December 2023
During the Competitiveness Council configuration (COMPET) on the 7th of December, the European Commission will inform member states about the Communication on Enhancing the European Administrative space (ComPAct) that the College adopted on 23 October 2023. In this document, the Commission proposes a set of actions to support member states’ administrations in becoming more resilient, innovative and skilled, and to strengthen administrative cooperation.
29 June 2022
This conference is organised by Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM) of the European Commission in the context of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, with the support of the Presidency of the Greek Government, to mark 10 years of cooperation, in the area of public administration and governance, among the European Commission, the French Republic as Reform Partner and the Hellenic Republic as Beneficiary.
31 January 2022
The inaugural meeting of the Expert Group on Public Administration and Governance chaired by the European Commission took place on January 31st.The Expert Group on Public Administration and Governance was established on December 17th, 2021. It represents an important step for the Commission in its efforts to enhance cooperation with Member States in the area of Public Administration and Governance.
This Technical Support Instrument (TSI) funded event will represent the formal kick-off of this multi-country project to strengthen capacity for evidence-informed policymaking with Greece, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and the Netherlands.
The project will be implemented with the support of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
The online conference took place on the 25 November 2021 and built on previous discussions on how to support public administrations in the EU. The high-level panels discussed how the MS public administration is impacted by broad challenges such as demographic change, the complexity of policy issues, or the twin transition. Eight workshops expanded upon these issues discussing among others public administration skills gap, adaptation strategies, interoperability and innovation within public administrations.
2018 - Quality of Public Administration: What have we learned, what can we do better
The 2018' event presented results from a systematic study on the traits of public administrations in all EU countries, related reforms and the role EU support plays in improving the quality of public institutions.