- Publication date
- 4 October 2023
- Author
- Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support
- Related department
- Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support
- Country
- Lithuania
- Funding Programme
- Year
- 2021
- Final deliverable
Lithuania is ageing rapidly. The ratio of the old-age population (65 years and older) to the population aged 15-64 years will almost double from 32 individuals aged 65 and over for 100 persons in 2022 to nearly 60 by 2050, and the existing measures to facilitate active ageing tend to be fragmented, lacking a coherent and systemic approach.
While being an important portion of the Lithuanian population, people aged over 50 also represent today about 40% of the total unemployed population, a level that has been rising for the past 10 years. In this context, the project was designed to support the Ministry of Social Security and Labour to develop and implement a new approach to the active integration of older people into social, as well as public and political life, and to enhance their participation in employment activities and lifelong-learning programmes.
This project contributes to the ongoing reform on implementing the National Strategy for Demography, Migration and Integration Policy for 2018-2030 and the National Progress Plan for 2021-2030 in Lithuania.