Instrument za tehnično podporo je ključno orodje Evropske komisije za podporo držav članic pri oblikovanju in izvajanju vključujočih reform, ki spodbujajo rast. Instrument za tehnično podporo podpira države članice EU pri njihovem programu reform, od reform zdravstvenega varstva, zdravih javnih financ in digitalizacije izobraževanja in javnih storitev do krepitve poslovnega okolja in finančnega sektorja.
We provide support to reforms in a wide range of policy areas, such as climate action, digital transition and health.
Strong institutions and high quality public administrations in Member States are crucial for delivering on EU objectives.
We have implemented over 1500 reform support projects in all 27 Member States.
Vzorni projekt
Evropska komisija redno izbira projekte, ki jih predstavi kot vzorne projekte. Projekte iz različnih držav in področij politik izbere na podlagi učinkovitega izvajanja, obetavnih rezultatov na terenu in možnosti za posnemanje v EU. Tako si prizadeva za spodbujanje najboljših praks.
Development of a National Coastal Protection for the Maltese Islands
The European Commission supports Department for Public Works of the Ministry for Public Works and Planning - together with Malta’s Tourism Authority to develop a National Coastal Protection for the Maltese Islands.
Throughout the project development that will take 24 months, the engagement of stakeholders and communication activities will take a prominent role to facilitate the need for an holistic and integrative process. It is expected that this action will allow the Maltese Authorities to take up the necessary measures to ensure sustainability of coastal functions and activities in the entire Maltese Islands coastline.
During the Competitiveness Council configuration (COMPET) on the 7th of December, the European Commission will inform member states about the Communication on Enhancing the European Administrative space (ComPAct) that the College adopted on 23 October 2023. In this document, the Commission proposes a set of actions to support member states’ administrations in becoming more resilient, innovative and skilled, and to strengthen administrative cooperation.
Podpora rešitvi ciprskega vprašanja
Generalni direktorat Evropske komisije za podporo strukturnim reformam usklajuje prizadevanja Komisije za podporo procesu ponovne združitve Cipra, ki ga vodijo Združeni narodi. Generalni direktorat je pristojen tudi za izvajanje programa pomoči EU za turško skupnost na Cipru in spremljanje uporabe uredbe o zeleni črti.